On 04/27/2013 09:01 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

Hm... A lightbulb just went off. Objects representing both undecorated
and decorated methods have a __get__() method, courtesy of the
descriptor protocol. Maybe checking for that will work? It feels
Pythonic to me: it uses a corner of the language that most people
don't even know exists (*), but it produces the desired effect in
almost all cases that matter, the pattern is simple to describe and
easy to use without thinking about it, and for experts the rules are
completely clear, uncomplicated, and free of heuristics, so it is
possible to reason about corner cases.

While this will certainly work, it means you can't have class variables that happen to be the same type as the enum -- so no int in an IntEnum, for example.

The solution I like best is the helper class (called, originally enough, enum), 
and only those items get transformed:

class Planet(IntEnum):
    MERCURY = enum(1)
    VENUS = enum(2)
    EARTH = enum(3)
    rough_pi = 3     # not transformed

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