On Jun 3, 2013, at 1:07 PM, Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> wrote:

> On Jun 03, 2013, at 02:17 PM, Donald Stufft wrote:
>> I'd actually prefer for Linux to not use the bundled certs when installed
>> from a package manager because it should use the system certs, but people
>> can't depend on certs being there if they are only there on linux.
> I think we agree on that.
>> Adding them into Python means people _can_ depend on them being there, and
>> Windows and other systems without system integrators to modify it to use the
>> system store will still get certs and Ubuntu can make it just work(™).
> Again, I think PEP 431 provides a pretty good model for how this should be
> done.  Maybe it's worth factoring out this specific part of PEP 431 into an
> informational PEP?

Looks fine to me minus the not updating in security releases (but that's just
a difference in the type of data).

>> This would probably (eventually) make the bundling of certificates better
>> too.
>> Meaning that once it's been in long enough people are willing to depend on
>> it, they won't need to bundle their own certs and ubuntu/debian can just
>> modify the one location instead of needing to modify it for every package
>> that does it.
> Can we do the same for the JavaScript libraries? :)
> -Barry

Donald Stufft
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