On Jun 3, 2013, at 5:31 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 3 June 2013 21:05, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1 for having the default be safe, but this will have to be very
> loudly announced ("when migrating from 3.3 to 3.4, TLS connections
> will cease to work if blah blah").
> +1 on the default being safe, certainly. But with the proviso that the same 
> code should work in 3.3 and 3.4, with no user impact (other than that the 
> connection is safer, but that's not user-visible unless there's an attack :-))

If we bundle certs that will be the case sans connections where it doesn't 

> In other words, that "will cease to work" clause should not exist - but see 
> below...
> Some legit sites with proper
> certificates still manage to muck something up administratively
> (developer.quicksales.com.au has a cert from RapidSSL but doesn't
> bundle the intermediates, and I've told their devs about it, but all I
> can do is disable cert checking). This will break code in ways that
> will surprise people greatly. But I'd still rather the default be
> True.
> I'm happy if the "will cease to work" clause only says "some sites with 
> broken security configurations may stop working" with a clear explanation 
> that it is *their* fault, not Python's. I'd also expect that the same sites 
> would fail in browsers - if not, we should also be able to make them work (or 
> face cries of "well, Internet Explorer/Firefox doesn't have a problem with my 
> site, why does Python?").

Browsers tend to download intermediate certs while I don't think Python does.

> Also, we should consider the issue for application users. Suppose I'm using a 
> Python application that downloads something from the web. I upgrade to 3.4, 
> and the app stops working because of a "will cease to work" case. As an end 
> user, how can I get the app working again? Having to patch the sources isn't 
> an option, and reverting to 3.3 provokes the reaction "Python broke my app".

Supply a SSL vert using the environment variable?

> Summary - I'm +1 as long as either the "will cease to work" list is empty, or 
> we have a *very* good story for (legitimate) sites which do cease to work.
> Paul.
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