No time to read the PEP in detail but the motivation sound reasonable.

--Guido van Rossum (sent from Android phone)
On Jul 2, 2013 4:53 AM, "Ronald Oussoren" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Below is a very preliminary draft PEP for adding a special method that can
> be used to hook into the attribute resolution process of the super object.
> The primary usecase for using this special method are classes that perform
> custom logic in their __getattribute__ method, where the default behavior
> of super (peekin the the class __dict__) is not appropriate.  The primary
> reason I wrote this proposal is PyObjC: it dynamicly looks up methods in
> its __getattribute__ and caches the result in the class __dict__, because
> of this super() will often not work correctly and therefore I'm currently
> shipping a custom subclass of super() that basicly contains an in-line
> implementation of the hook that would be used by PyObjC.
> I have a partial implementation of the hook system in issue 18181  and a
> PyObjC patch that uses it. The implementation currently does not contain
> tests, and I'm sure that I'll find edge cases that I haven't thought about
> yet when I add tests.
> Ronald
> Title: Hooking into super attribute resolution
> Version: $Revision$
> Last-Modified: $Date$
> Author: Ronald Oussoren <>
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 12-Jun-2013
> Post-History: 2-Jul-2013
> Abstract
> ========
> In current python releases the attribute resolution of the `super class`_
> peeks in the ``__dict__`` attribute of classes on the MRO to look
> for attributes. This PEP introduces a hook that classes can use
> to override that behavior for specific classes.
> Rationale
> =========
> Peeking in the class ``__dict__`` works for regular classes, but can
> cause problems when a class dynamicly looks up attributes in a
> ``__getattribute__`` method.
> The new hook makes it possible to introduce the same customization for
> attribute lookup through the `super class`_.
> The superclass attribute lookup hook
> ====================================
> In C code
> ---------
> A new slot ``tp_getattro_super`` is added to the ``PyTypeObject`` struct.
> The
> ``tp_getattro`` slot for super will call this slot when it is not ``NULL``,
> otherwise it will peek in the class ``tp_dict``.
> The slot has the following prototype::
>     PyObject* (*getattrosuperfunc)(PyTypeObject* tp, PyObject* self,
> PyObject* name);
> The function should perform attribute lookup for *name*, but only looking
> in
> type *tp* (which will be one of the types on the MRO for *self*) and
> without looking
> in the instance *__dict__*.
> The function returns ``NULL`` when the attribute cannot be found, and
> raises and
> exception. Exception other than ``AttributeError`` will cause failure of
> super's
> attribute resolution.
> In Python code
> --------------
> A Python class can contain a definition for a method
> ``__getattribute_super__`` with
> the following prototype::
>    def __getattribute_super__(self, cls, name): pass
> The method should perform attribute lookup for *name* on instance *self*
> while only
> looking at *cls* (it should not look in super classes or the instance
> *__dict__*
> Alternative proposals
> ---------------------
> Reuse ``tp_getattro``
> .....................
> It would be nice to avoid adding a new slot, thus keeping the API simpler
> and easier
> to understand.  A comment on `Issue 18181`_ asked about reusing the
> ``tp_getattro`` slot,
> that is super could call the ``tp_getattro`` slot of all methods along the
> MRO.
> AFAIK that won't work because ``tp_getattro`` will look in the instance
> ``__dict__`` before
> it tries to resolve attributes using classes in the MRO. This would mean
> that using
> ``tp_getattro`` instead of peeking the class dictionaries changes the
> semantics of
> the `super class`_.
> Open Issues
> ===========
> * The names of the new slot and magic method are far from settled.
> * I'm not too happy with the prototype for the new hook.
> * Should ``__getattribute_super__`` be a class method instead?
> References
> ==========
> * `Issue 18181`_ contains a prototype implementation
>   The prototype uses different names than this proposal.
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
> .. _`Issue 18181`:
> .. _`super class`:
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