23.07.2013 00:01, Gregory P. Smith wrote:

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Ben North <b...@redfrontdoor.org> wrote:

A friend of mine, Ruadhan O'Flanagan, came across a bug which turned out to be the one noted in [http://bugs.python.org/issue18019 [1]], i.e.:

>>> d={}
>>> d[42]=d.viewvalues()
>>> d
<segmentation fault>

This issue has been fixed in hg; the behaviour now is that a
RuntimeError is produced for a recursive dictionary view:

>>> d={}
>>> d[42]=d.viewvalues()
>>> d # (output line-broken:)
{42: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
  while getting the repr of a list

Before finding this, though, I'd investigated and made a patch which
produces a similar "..." output to a recursive dictionary.  Reworking
against current 2.7, the behaviour would be:

>>> x={}
>>> x[42]=x
>>> x # existing behaviour for dictionaries:
{42: {...}}

>>> d={}
>>> d[42]=d.viewvalues()
>>> d # new behaviour:
{42: dict_values([...])}
>>> d[43]=d.viewitems()
>>> d # (output line-broken:)
{42: dict_values([..., dict_items([(42, ...), (43, ...)])]),
 43: dict_items([(42, dict_values([..., ...])), (43, ...)])}

Attached is the patch, against current 2.7 branch.  If there is interest in applying this, I will create a proper patch (changelog entry, fix to
Lib/test/test_dictviews.py, etc.).

Mailing lists are where patches go to get lost and die. :)  Post it
on an issue on bugs.python.org [4].  Given that the RuntimeError fix
has been released, your proposed ... behavior is arguably a new
feature so I'd only expect this to make sense for consideration in
3.4, not 2.7.  (if accepted at all)

IMHO it's still a bug (even though not so painful as segfault) that should also be fixed in 2.7 and 3.2/3.3.

In other cases (such as `d={}; d[42]=d; repr(d)`) Python does its best to avoid an error -- why in this case (`d={}; d[42]=d.<Py2.x:view>values(); repr(d)`) should it raise an exception? IMHO it's an obvious oversight in implementation, not a feature that anybody would expect.


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