On 9 Sep, 2013, at 17:43, Mark Shannon <m...@hotpy.org> wrote:

> I would like time to investigate this further, but at the moment I think it 
> will either make attribute lookup poorly defined or slow.
> Of the top of my head, the problem as a I see it is basically this:
> Currently, type.__getattribute__() is a fixed point in the lookup of 
> attributes.
> The proposal means that a fixed point is not reached until the cls parameter 
> of type.__getattribute__() is either object or type,
> otherwise type.__getattribute__() and type.__locallookup__ must bounce back 
> and forth.
> This will slow down *every* attribute lookup for what is a fairly obscure use 
> case.

I did a benchmark run (see the pep for details) and that seems to indicate that 
the performance impact is very small, possibly because the patch keeps the 
attribute lookup cache used by _PyType_Lookup.

Anyway, I'm glad that there is now some real discussion on the proposal. Not 
unsurprisingly I'd love to have this, or something simular, in 3.4.  I had 
hoped to repost the PEP a while back with more information on how the API would 
affect PyObjC (code removal, performance impact), but haven't had time to move 
forward on that front :-(


> Cheers,
> Mark.
> On 09/09/13 16:27, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Let's just accept this PEP. It looks like a nice addition to the metaclass 
>> machinery and I don't think we'll get much more useful feedback by waiting.
>> On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 7:30 AM, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us 
>> <mailto:et...@stoneleaf.us>> wrote:
>>    On 07/30/2013 11:17 PM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>>        And something I forgot to ask: is anyone willing to be the 
>> BDFL-Delegate for
>>        PEP 447?
>>    *Bump*.
>>    It would be nice if this could make into 3.4.
>>    --
>>    ~Ethan~
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