Am 09.10.2013 14:39, schrieb Benjamin Peterson: > There's also the increasing number of modules (Python or otherwise) > that have to be loaded on startup.
I have gathered some stats: Python 3.4: >>> len(sys.modules) 56 >>> len(list(name for name in sys.modules if name not in sys.builtin_module_names)) 36 >>> sorted(sys.modules) ['__main__', '_codecs', '_collections', '_frozen_importlib', '_functools', '_heapq', '_imp', '_io', '_operator', '_sitebuiltins', '_sre', '_stat', '_sysconfigdata', '_thread', '_warnings', '_weakref', '_weakrefset', 'abc', 'atexit', 'builtins', 'codecs', 'collections', '', 'copyreg', 'encodings', 'encodings.aliases', 'encodings.latin_1', 'encodings.utf_8', 'errno', 'functools', 'genericpath', 'heapq', 'io', 'itertools', 'keyword', 'marshal', 'operator', 'os', 'os.path', 'posix', 'posixpath', 're', 'readline', 'reprlib', 'rlcompleter', 'signal', 'site', 'sre_compile', 'sre_constants', 'sre_parse', 'stat', 'sys', 'sysconfig', 'types', 'weakref', 'zipimport'] Python does quite alot of syscalls, too: $ strace ./python -E -c '' 2>&1 | grep stat | wc -l 236 $ strace ./python -E -c '' 2>&1 | grep open | wc -l 53 Python 2.7 is a bit better: >>> len(sys.modules) 41 >>> len(list(name for name in sys.modules if name not in sys.builtin_module_names)) 29 _______________________________________________ Python-Dev mailing list Unsubscribe: