I really want to get Argument Clinic in to Python 3.4. Currently the following is true:

 * It has an implementation I've been working on for more than a year.
 * I assert that it's a reasonable approach and the APIs are ready for
   public consumption.
 * The syntax for the DSL is the one proposed by Guido at PyCon US 2013.
 * So far It has little in the way of documentation apart from the PEP.
 * The PEP is out of date and not ready for pronouncement.
 * IIUC Guido said he's not delegating this PEP.

There's now a discussion afoot about merging "tulip" in, in time for 3.4a4, which I think is going to happen. And as Release Manager for 3.4 I'm happy to see this happen.

I'd like to propose much the same thing for Argument Clinic: check it in now, before 3.4a4, and let it bake in trunk a little before feature freeze at beta 1 while I run around and finish the documentation.

You can review the existing code here:


(Yes, in this fork clinic.py is at the root--but then I never intended to merge this fork.)

Checking in Clinic would mean:

 * Adding the tool (one file, "clinic.py") and its test suite into
 * Adding its documentation somewhere in the Doc/ directory
 * Merging six or eight places where I've converted random functions to
   use Clinic

Brett Cannon gave the code a cursory review at PyCon CA over about six hours, and iirc he said it was basically reasonable. He wanted more coverage in the tests, and more in-depth review of course, but he had only minor feedback, all of which I've incorporated.

(In case you're wondering: last time I tried, coverage from just the unit test suite was about 85%, but if you also ran all my sample usage of it in the CPython code it rose to like 92%.)

So, quick poll: do you approve of me checking Argument Clinic in to Python 3.4 trunk in its current state before 3.4a4?

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