On 21 October 2013 11:59, R. David Murray <rdmur...@bitdance.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Oct 2013 19:49:24 -0700, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
>> On 10/20/2013 07:42 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>> >
>> > In short, I recommend that efforts be directed at improving help() rather 
>> > than limiting introspection by way of less clean coding practices.
>> +1
> I'm also +1 on improving help instead of using wrapper classes.

Agreed. A wrapper function whose purpose is solely to tidy up help
seems like a bad idea in general.

I'm somewhat more sympathetic to Nick's point that the name the user
types should be all-lowercase and a class would be mixed case, but on
that I think it's actually the naming convention that should change
(name classes/functions based on usage, not implementation). The rule
to me is that changing the underlying implementation shouldn't affect
the user interface.

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