On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 10:24 AM, PJ Eby <p...@telecommunity.com> wrote:
> I've not really had time to review this PEP yet, but from skimming
> discussion to date, the only thing I'm still worried about is whether
> this will break lazy import schemes that use a module subclass that
> hooks __getattribute__ and calls reload() in order to perform what's
> actually an *initial* load.
> IOW, does anything in this proposal rely on a module object having
> *any* attributes besides __name__ set at reload() time?  That is, is
> there an assumption that a module being reloaded has
> 1. Been loaded, and
> 2. Is being reloaded via the same location, __loader__, etc. as before?
> At least through all 2.x, reload() just uses module.__name__ to
> restart the module find-and-load process, and does not assume that
> __loader__ is valid in advance.
> (Also, if this has changed in recent Python versions independent of
> this PEP, it's a backwards-compatibility break that should be
> documented somewhere.)

Yeah, this actually changed in 3.3 IIRC, where reload now calls
module.__loader__.load_module(module.__name__).  I'll double-check.
PEP 451 simply changes that to be (basically)

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