On 14.11.13 14:22, Walter Dörwald wrote:

On 13.11.13 17:25, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>> [...]
A more elegant (and comprehensive) solution as a PEP for 3.5 would
certainly be a nice thing to have, but I think this is still much
better than the 3.3 status quo.

Thinking further about this, I like your "frame annotation" suggestion

Tracebacks could then look like this:

 >>> b"hello".decode("uu_codec")
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>: decoding with 'uu_codec' codec
ValueError: Missing "begin" line in input data

In fact the traceback already lays out the chain of events. What is
missing is simply a little additional information.

Could frame annotation be added via decorators, i.e. something like this:

@annotate("while doing something with {param}")
def func(param):
    do something

annotate() would catch the exception, call .format() on the annotation
string with the local variables of the frame as keyword arguments,
attach the result to a special attribute of the frame and reraise the

The traceback machinery would simply have to print this additional

http://bugs.python.org/19585 is a patch that implements that. With the patch the following code:

   import traceback

   @traceback.annotate("while handling x={x!r}")
   def handle(x):
      raise ValueError(42)


will give the traceback:

   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "spam.py", line 8, in <module>
     File "frame-annotation/Lib/traceback.py", line 322, in wrapped
       f(*args, **kwargs)
     File "spam.py", line 5, in handle: while handling x='spam'
       raise ValueError(42)
   ValueError: 42

Unfortunaty the frame from the decorator shows up in the traceback.


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