On Sun, 5 Jan 2014 23:54:41 -0600, Tim Peters wrote:

[Bob Hanson]
> >> ... magnifying glass, I see it is two very long URLs ending with
> >> something like after the blah-blah: < ... akametechnology.com>
[Stephen J. Turnbull]
> > I suppose you tried cutting and pasting? [...]

Tried, but was unsuccessful.

[Tim Peters] 
> I don't think this was cut 'n paste.  Looking up the IP addresses
> returns legit Akamai URLs:
> [...] 
> C:\Code>ping -a
> Pinging a23-59-190-113.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com
> [] with 32 bytes of data:
> ...
> C:\Code>ping -a
> Pinging a23-59-190-106.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com
> [] with 32 bytes of data:
> ...
> Bob's "< ... akametechnology.com>" just looks like compounded typos.

Typos or blindos. ;-)

Took a screenshot just now and zoomed in -- I can now verify that
the URLs are as Tim has 'em above.

[Stephen J. Turnbull]
> > So your alarm seems to be verified, but why this happened to a Python
> > download I don't know.  It could be DNS hacking between you and
> > python.org, as well as something in the Python MSI.

[Tim Peters]
> Honestly, for all we _know_, this firewall alert may have been
> triggered by some other program that just happened to wake up while
> Bob was installing Python.  Sure, that's unlikely.  But so is
> everything else about this ;-)

Unlikely as the firewall alert has the full correct path for
*msiexec.exe*. I also keep tabs on all processes running, watch
my firewall routinely, etc. And -- I'm almost paranoid enough to
be a computer security guy. ;-) 

Wanted to add this tiny bit of info, but now I need to retire for
the night. I'll check further on things in the morning.

Bob Hanson

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