On 1/12/2014 6:11 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 5:27 PM, Ethan Furman<et...@stoneleaf.us>  wrote:
>On 01/12/2014 04:47 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>%s seems the trickiest: I think with a bytes argument it should just
>>insert those bytes (and the padding modifiers should work too), and
>>for other types it should probably work like %a, so that it works as
>>expected for numeric values, and with a string argument it will return
>>the ascii()-variant of its repr(). Examples:
>>b'%s' % 42 == b'42'
>>b'%s' % 'x' == b"'x'" (i.e. the three-byte string containing an 'x'
>>enclosed in single quotes)
>I'm not sure about the quotes.  Would anyone ever actually want those in the
>byte stream?
Perhaps not, but it's a hint that you should probably think about an
encoding. It's symmetric with how '%s' % b'x' returns "b'x'". Think of
it as payback time.:-)


Quotes in the stream are a great debug hint, without blowing up.

+1 to the whole reboot solution, also. It cures the problems people are having, and there is no ambiguity.

So then the question is whether to proceed with 3.4, delay this feature to 3.5, or to delay 3.4 to include this feature, both have been discussed, with the justification for the latter being to make 3.4 the ultimate Python 3 porting target for recalcitrant module authors, sooner than later.
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