On 01/14/2014 01:38 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
On Jan 14, 2014, at 9:12 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net
<mailto:solip...@pitrou.net>> wrote:
I'm +1 on the sidefile approach. +0 on the various buffer approaches.
-0.5 on the current "sprinkled everywhere" approach.
I concur with Antoine except that I'm a full -1 on commingling
generated code with hand edited code. Sprinked everywhere
interferes with my ability to grok the code. It interferes with
code navigation. And it creates a greater risk of accidentally
editing the generated code.
FWIW, I think everyone should place a lot of weight on
Serhiy's comments and suggestions. His reasoning is
clear and compelling. And the thoughts are all soundly
based on extensive experience with the clinic's effect on
the C source code.
For the record I don't much care which of these Clinic does. My hope is
just that the Python core dev community accepts Argument Clinic. If it
forms a consensus around changing Clinic's output I'd be happy to oblige.
But there's one important caveat to the above. As I recall, Guido has
stated that he hates storing generated code in separate files. He has
yet to rescind or weaken that pronouncement. Until such time as he
does, the "side file" approach is off the table. I implemented it in
the prototype purely for the purpose of fostering debate, so the "side
file" proponents can try to convince him that it's necessary or that
it's not so bad. But it's not going in without Guido's approval. As
you yourself say--"Python is Guido's language, he just lets us use it."
I'm not the person you have to convince,
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