2014-03-15 21:44 GMT+00:00 Nikolaus Rath <nikol...@rath.org>:

> Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> writes:
> > This downside of using subclassing as an API should be well known by now
> > and widely warned against.
> It wasn't known to me until now. Are these downsides described in some
> more detail somewhere?

The short version is: "inheritance breaks encapsulation".

As a trivial and stupid example, let's say you need a list object which
counts the number of items inserted/removed (it's completely stupid, but
that's not the point :-):

So you might do something like:
class CountingList(list):


    def append(self, e):
        self.inserted += 1
        return super().append(e)

    def extend(self, l):
        self.inserted += len(l)
        return super().extend(l)


Looks fine, it would probably work.

Now, it's actually very fragile: imagine what would happen if list.extend()
was internally implemented by calling list.append() for each element: you'd
end up counting each element twice (since the subclass append() method
would be called).

And that's the problem: by deriving from a class, you become dependent of
its implementation, even though you're using its public API. Which means
that it could work with e.g. CPython but not Pypy, or break with a new
version of Python.

Another related problem is, as Guido explained, that if you add a new
method in the subclass, and the parent class gains a method with the same
name in a new version, you're in trouble.

That's why advising inheritance as a silver bullet for code reuses is IMO
one of the biggest mistakes in OOP, simply because although attractive,
inheritance breaks encapsulation.

As a rule of thumb, you should only use inheritance within a
module/package, or in other words only if you're in control of the

The alternative is to use "composition"

For more details, I highly encourage anyone interested in looking at the
book "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch (the example above is inspired by his
book). Although Java-centric, it's packed with many advises, patterns and
anti-patterns that are relevant to OOP and just programming in general
(it's in my top-5 books).

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