On 4/4/2014 11:21 AM, anatoly techtonik wrote:

1. Is this absolute name with symlinks resolved?
2. Why there is a special case for __main__?
(i.e. Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.)

Did you read the linked issue?

3. What link should I click in Python reference to read
     about standard globals like __file__ and this change?

I don't know how you got that link. Learn to use the general index listed on the contents page and top right of every page. For underscore names, https://docs.python.org/3/genindex-_.html. __file__ will lead you to the module entry in Chapter 3 Data model, section 2 The standard type hierarchy. Looking up module/namespace gets you to the same place. It is possible that the discussion of '__file__' should be slightly revised in light of the What's new entry.

Terry Jan Reedy

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