On May 10, 2014, at 6:10 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11 May 2014 07:37, "Raymond Hettinger" <raymond.hettin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On May 10, 2014, at 2:18 PM, Alex Gaynor <alex.gay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> I think this change is a considerable usability regression for the 
> >> documentation. Right now the warnings about CSPRNGs are hidden in the 
> >> introductory paragraph, which users are likely to skip
> >
> >
> > In the past couple of years, we've grown an unfortunate tendency
> > to fill the docs with big warning boxes (the subprocess docs are
> > an example of implicitly communicating that the module is dangerous
> > and unusable).
> >
> > The preferred form of documentation is to be affirmatively worded,
> > telling how to use a tool correctly and what its known limitations are.
> > We save the warnings for cases of actual danger where otherwise
> > well informed users get tripped-up.
> >
> > Tim Peters used to be around to articulate the principle that we don't write
> > the docs with the assumption that the users are less bright than we are
> > or that they can't read.
> That assumption has changed somewhat, as many users are now getting their 
> education in programming (and how computers work in general) from 
> introductory community workshops and the Python documentation.
> This means that writing our docs based on the assumption that the reader is 
> already going to be a professional programmer is no longer adequate. This is 
> especially essential in security related areas, as even professional 
> programmers usually aren't sufficiently paranoid about all the ways their 
> software can be attacked.
> As Alex notes, the short term way to eliminate the duplication here is to 
> keep the security warnings and drop the material from the introductory 
> paragraph, not go back to expecting readers to have already been alerted to 
> randomness related cryptographic security issues in some other context. 
> Readers that are already familiar with the security concerns will hopefully 
> recognise that they're not a Python specific problem (and may even be 
> appreciative of our attempts to convey the relevant knowledge to a broader 
> audience), while readers that aren't yet aware of them may be more likely to 
> account for them appropriately when writing their software. It's as much 
> about cultivating a more paranoid more mindset in developers in general as it 
> is about the contents of the specific security warning.
> A "Security Considerations" section in the module documentation can be a 
> better way to tackle this than trying to jam everything into one warning box, 
> but there should still be a "Here be dragons" warning early on noting that 
> random *is* a potentially security sensitive module in a cryptographic 
> context.

I completely agree with Alex, Antoine, and Nick here.

I’m both an experienced Python programmer and someone who is generally aware of 
the security implications of various parts of software. However I appreciate 
when I look at documentation that explicitly calls out the ways I might screw 
it up, especially in a security sensitive context, but I appreciate it any 
context really.

Donald Stufft
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