On 15 Jun 2014 06:52, "Paul Sokolovsky" <pmis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Tue, 10 Jun 2014 17:36:02 +1000
> Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 10 June 2014 12:23, Paul Sokolovsky <pmis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > 1. It hampers interactive mode - instead of short and easy to type
> > > execfile("file.py") one needs to use exec(open("file.py").read()).
> > > I'm sure that's not going to bother a lot of people - after all, the
> > > easiest way to execute a Python file is to drop back to shell and
> > > restart python with file name, using all wonders of tab completion.
> > > But now imagine that Python interpreter runs on bare hardware, and
> > > its REPL is the only shell. That's exactly what we have with
> > > MicroPython's Cortex-M port. But it's not really
> > > MicroPython-specific, there's CPython port to baremetal either -
> > > http://www.pycorn.org/ .
> >
> > https://docs.python.org/3/library/runpy.html#runpy.run_path
> >
> >     import runpy
> >     file_globals = runpy.run_path("file.py")
> Thanks, it's the most productive response surely. So, at least there's
> alternative to removed execfile(). Unfortunately, I don't think it's
> good alternative to execfile() in all respects. It clearly provides API
> for that functionality, but is that solution of least surprise and is
> it actually known by users at all (to be useful for them)?

We don't want people instinctively reaching for execfile (or run_path for
that matter). It's almost always the wrong answer to a problem (because it
runs code in a weird, ill-defined environment and has undefined behaviour
when used inside a function), meeting the definition of "attractive

We moved reload() to imp.reload() and reduce() to functools.reduce() for
similar reasons - they're too rarely the right answer to justify having
them globally available by default.

> Googling for "execfile python 3", top 3 hits I see are stackoverflow
> questions, *none* of which mentions runpy. So, people either don't
> consider it viable alternative to execfile, or don't know about it at
> all (my guess it's the latter).

Given the relative age of the two APIs, that seems likely. Adding answers
pointing users to the runpy APIs could be useful.

> Like with previous discussion, its meaning goes beyond just Python
> realm - there's competition all around. And internets bring funny
> examples, like for example http://www.red-lang.org/p/contributions.html
> (scroll down to diagram, or here's direct link:
> So, didn't you know that Ruby can be used for OS-level development, and
> Python can't? Or that JavaScript DSL capabilities are better than
> Python's (that's taking into account that JavaScript DSL capabilities
> are represented by JSON, whose creators were so arrogant as to disallow
> even usage of comments in it).

There's a lot of misinformation on the internet. While there is certainly
room for the PSF to do more in terms of effectively communicating Python's
ubiquity and strengths (and we're working on that), "people with no clue
post stuff on the internet" doesn't make a compelling *technical* argument
(which is what is needed to get new builtins added).

> So, now suppose there's a discussion of how good different languages are
> for interactive usage (out of the box apparently). It would be a little
> hard to defend claim that Python is *excellent* interactive language,
> if its latest series got -1 on that scale, by removing feature which
> may be indispensable at times. Knowing that, one subconsciously may
> start to wonder if Ruby or JavaScript are doing it (in wide sense)
> better than Python.

Yes, people get upset when we tell them we consider some aspects of their
software designs to be ill-advised. Running other code in the *current*
namespace is such a thing - it is typically preferable to run it in a
*different* namespace and then access the results, rather than implicitly
overwriting the contents of the current namespace.

That said, a question still worth asking is whether there is scope for
additional runpy APIs that are designed to more easily implement Python 2
and IPython style modes of operation where independent units of code
manipulate a shared namespace? That's actually a possibility, but any such
proposals need to be presented on python-ideas in terms of the *use case*
to be addressed, rather than the fact that execfile() happened to be the
preferred solution in Python 2.


> --
> Best regards,
>  Paul                          mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
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