On 17.06.2014 20:27, Steve Dower wrote:
> Yates, Andy (CS Houston, TX) wrote:
>> Python Dev,
>> Andy here. I have a Windows product based on Python and I'm getting hammered 
>> to
>> release a version that includes the fix in OpenSSL 1.0.1h. My product is 
>> built
>> on a Windows system using Python installed from the standard Python 
>> installer at
>> Python.org. I would be grateful if I could get some advice on my options. 
>> Will
>> Python.org be releasing a Windows installer with the fix any time soon or 
>> will
>> it be at the next scheduled release in November? If it is November, there's 
>> no
>> way I can wait that long. Now what? Would it be best to build my own Python? 
>> Is
>> it possible to drop in new OpenSSL versions on Windows without rebuilding
>> Python? Looking for some guidance on how to handle these OpenSSL issues on
>> Windows.
> You'll only need to rebuild the _ssl and _hashlib extension modules with the 
> new OpenSSL version. The easiest way to do this is to build from source 
> (which has already been updated for 1.0.1h if you use the externals scripts 
> in Tools\buildbot), and you should just be able to drop _ssl.pyd and 
> _hashlib.pyd on top of a normal install.
> Aside: I wonder if it's worth changing to dynamically linking to OpenSSL? It 
> would make this kind of in-place upgrade easier when people need to do it. 
> Any thoughts? (Does OpenSSL even support it?)

Yes, no problem at all, but you'd still have to either do a new release
every time a new OpenSSL problem is found (don't think that's an
option for Python) or provide new compiled versions
compatible with the Python modules needing the OpenSSL libs or
instructions on how to build these.

Note that the hash routines are rarely affected by these OpenSSL
bugs. They usually only affect the SSL/TLS protocol parts.

Alternatively, you could make use of our pyOpenSSL distribution,
which includes pyOpenSSL and the OpenSSL libs (also for Windows):


We created this to address the problem of having to update
OpenSSL rather often. It doesn't support Python 3 yet, but
on the plus side, you do get OpenSSL libs which are compiled
with the same compiler versions used for the Python.org

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