Shorya Raj writes:

 > I think it may be prudent to consider adding a Windows specific
 > mailing list regarding development on Windows,

One possibly-relevant anecdote.  We had such a list for XEmacs, where
the biggest contributor 1998-2005 was Windows-based.  *He* preferred
communicating via the main developers' list (the reasons given by
others in this thread were among his reasons), and the "xemacs-winnt"
list devolved into a forum for teaching newbies how to escape spaces
in filenames, and the occasional flame from a Windows-oriented user
who wanted XEmacs to change into a "modern GUI application" (like,
say, Word, except for writing programs).  It died a natural death
(long before XEmacs development went dormant).

N.B. The problem with modern GUI, of course, was that all the Windows-
based developers who contributed any code to speak of liked the mouse-
free pinky-welded-to-the-control-key UI (that's *why* they used
Emacsen).  This might not be such a stark contrast in Python, which
doesn't pretend to be a UI.

On the other hand, the Windows-oriented Python developers (several of
whom are currently inactive for reasons unrelated to their preferred
platform) have never seemed uncomfortable here.

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