On 11/22/2014 08:31 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

On 22 Nov 2014 02:51, "Antoine Pitrou" <solip...@pitrou.net
<mailto:solip...@pitrou.net>> wrote:
 > On Fri, 21 Nov 2014 05:47:58 -0800
 > Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettin...@gmail.com
<mailto:raymond.hettin...@gmail.com>> wrote:
 > >
 > > Another issue is that it breaks the way I and others have taught for
years that generators are a kind of iterator (an object implementing the
iterator protocol) and that a primary motivation for generators is to
provide a simpler and more direct way of creating iterators.  However,
Chris explained that, "This proposal causes a separation of generators and
iterators, so it's no longer possible to pretend that they're the same
thing."  That is a major and worrisome conceptual shift.
 > I agree with Raymond on this point.

A particularly relevant variant of the idiom is the approach of writing
"__iter__" directly as a generator, rather than creating a separate custom
iterator class. In that context, the similarities between the __iter__
implementation and the corresponding explicit __next__ implementation is a
beneficial feature.

I'm definitely coming around to the point of view that, even if we wouldn't
design it the way it currently works given a blank slate, the alternative
design doesn't provide sufficient benefit to justify the cost of changing
the behaviour & getting people to retrain their brains.

This all seems more complex than it should be to me. The way I tend to think about it is simply "for" loops in one form or another, catch StopIteration. So if you iterate an iterator manually rather than using it as a "for" iterator, you need to catch StopIteration.

If we write a function to act as an iterator, like __next__, we need to raise StopIteration from somewhere in it, or let one bubble out from a generator if we are manually iterating it on each call... next(g). It's possible we may need to do either or both conditionally. That could mean we need to think about refactoring some part of a program, but it doesn't mean Python needs to be fixed.

So the lines that split them isn't quite as clear cut as it may seem they should be. That may just be a misplaced ideal.

Any time a StopIteration is raised.. either manually with "raise", or at the end of a generator, it should bubble up until a "for loop" iterating over that bit of code, catches it, or a try-except catches it, or fail loudly. I think it does do this in normal generators, so I don't see an issue with how StopIteration works.

Which gets us back to generator expressions and comprehensions.

Let me know if I got some part of this wrong...   :-)

Comprehensions are used as a convenient way to create an object. The expression parts of the comprehension define the *body* of a loop, so a StopIteration raised in it will bubble out. As it would in any other case where it is raised in the body of a loop.

Generator exprssions on the other hand define the *iterator* to be used in a for loop. A StopIteration raised in it is caught by the for loop.

So they both work as they are designed, but they look so similar, it looks like one is broken.

It looks to me that there are three options...


Make comprehensions act more like generator expressions.

It would mean a while loop in the object creation point is converted to a for loop. (or something equivalent.)

Then both a comprehension and a generator expressions can be viewed as defining iterators, with the same behaviour, rather than comprehensions defining the body of the loop, which has the different but valid behaviour of StopIteration escaping.

This would make explaining them a *lot* easier as they become the same thing used in a different context, rather than two different things used in what appears to be similar contexts.

I think this fits with what Guido wants, but does so in a narrower scope, only effecting comprehensions. StopIteration is less likely to leak out.

But it also allows the use of the stop() hack to raise StopIteration in comprehensions and terminate them early. Currently it doesn't work as it does in generator expressions.

If the stop() hack works in both comprehensions and generator expressions the same way, then maybe we can view it as less of a hack.


Make generator expressions more like comprehensions.

This would mean StopIteration would bubble out of generator expressions as the person who posted the original topic on python ideas wanted. And the stop hack would no longer work.

Both generator expressions and comprehensions could be viewed as supplying the body in a loop. This is inconsistent with defining generators that act as iterators. So I'm definitely -1 on this option.


Document the differences better.


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