> On Nov 30, 2014, at 8:11 PM, Pierre-Yves David 
> <pierre-yves.da...@ens-lyon.org> wrote:
> On 11/30/2014 08:45 AM, Donald Stufft wrote:
>> I don’t make branches in Mercurial because
>> i’m afraid I’m going to push a permanent branch to hg.python.org
>> <http://hg.python.org> and screw
>> something up.
> There is no need to be afraid there, Mercurial is not going to let you push 
> new head/branch unless you explicitly use `hg push --force`.
> I you are really paranoid about this, you can configure your Mercurial to 
> make all new commit as secret (no pushable) and explicitly make commit ready 
> to push as such. This can be achieved by adding
> [phases]
> new-commit=secret
> See `hg help phases` for details.

Yea Benjamin mentioned that the hg.python.org repositories have commit hooks to 
prevent that from happening too. To be clear the fact I don’t really know 
Mercurial very well isn’t what I think is a compelling argument for not using 
Mercurial. It’s mostly a tangent to this PEP which is primarily focused on the 
“network effects” of using a more popular tool. The technical benefits mostly 
come from Github generally being a higher quality product than it’s 
competitors, both FOSS and not.

Donald Stufft
PGP: 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

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