On 12/12/2014 1:24 PM, Mark Roberts wrote:

However, my point was that just because the core libraries by usage are
*starting* to roll out Python 3 support doesn't mean that things are
"easy" or "convenient" yet.
I suppose what I'm saying is that the long tail of libraries is far more
valuable than it seems the Python3 zealots are giving it credit for.
Please don't claim it's "easy" to move over just because merely most of
the top 20 libraries have been moved over. :-/

I agree that we should refrain from characterizing the difficulty of other peoples' work. Conversions range from trivial to effectively impossible. What we can say is that a) each library conversion make conversion easier for the users of that library and b) the number of conversions continue to increase. I think some are trying to say that the number has reached a point where it is no longer fair to say that conversion is typically impossible.

Terry Jan Reedy

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