Can we at least make it use the constructor (if there's a custom one)?
Seems like a reasonable compromise to me (let whoever implements a custom
__new__ deal with argument variance).

Eg, make it use a __new__ like this:

>>> class FancyInt(int):
...     def __new__(self, value):
...         return int.__new__(FancyInt, value)
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return "FancyInt(%s)" % super().__repr__()
>>> x = FancyInt(1)
>>> x
>>> x += 1
>>> x   # it should be FancyInt(2)

-- Ionel Cristian Mărieș,

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 6:01 AM, Guido van Rossum <> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Ethan Furman <> wrote:
>> On 02/12/2015 06:39 PM, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
>> > In my view, a constructor is no different from any other method.  If
>> the designers of the subclass decided to change the
>> > signature in an incompatible way, they should either override all
>> methods that create new objects or live with tracebacks.
>> > On the other hand, if all I want in my Date class is a better
>> __format__ method, I am forced to override all operators
>> > or have my objects silently degrade [...]
>> So there are basically two choices:
>> 1) always use the type of the most-base class when creating new instances
>>    pros:
>>      - easy
>>      - speedy code
>>      - no possible tracebacks on new object instantiation
>>    cons:
>>      - a subclass that needs/wants to maintain itself must override all
>>        methods that create new instances, even if the only change is to
>>        the type of object returned
>> 2) always use the type of self when creating new instances
>>    pros:
>>      - subclasses automatically maintain type
>>      - much less code in the simple cases [1]
>>    cons:
>>      - if constructor signatures change, must override all methods which
>>        create new objects
>> Unless there are powerful reasons against number 2 (such as performance,
>> or the effort to affect the change), it sure
>> seems like the nicer way to go.
>> So back to my original question: what other concerns are there, and has
>> anybody done any benchmarks?
> Con for #2 is a showstopper. Forget about it.
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
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