On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Benjamin Peterson <benja...@python.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014, at 00:33, David Bolen wrote:
>> Yeah, it definitely needs it.  Historically it was intentional as my own
>> servers were all on 8.04, but the last of those moved 12.04 last year.
>> I think there's already a 12.04 buildbot, so perhaps 14.04 would be
>> better?  I do prefer sticking with an LTS.
> 14.04 would be good.
>> It'll need to move to 64-bit given the hosting environment, at least for
>> the kernel.  I could do 32-bit userspace via multiarch if keeping a 32-bit
>> buildbot in the mix is attractive.
> It'd be nice to keep a 32-bit bot around.

Took a bit longer than anticipated, but the slave upgrade is complete.

The bolen-ubuntu slave is now a 32-bit Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS system.
I've re-run the most recent 2.7, 3.4 and 3.x builds which all pass
(though with a few new compiler warnings in some cases).

-- David
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