On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 6:52 PM, Isaac Schwabacher <ischwabac...@wisc.edu>
> > So "storing the offset" and "storing a flag" are not two alternative
solutions to the same problem- these
> > are two solutions to two different problems.
> I'm viewing a time zone as a map from UTC to local time; for example,
America/Chicago is a time zone. I'm not proposing storing the offset as an
alternative to storing the *time zone*, I'm proposing it as an alternative
to storing whether a given time is DST or not.

When you are proposing to store something, you also need to specify where
you are proposing to store it.  In the current design, local time
information is stored in the datetime object and the rules that govern UTC
to local  mapping (and back) are stored in the tzinfo object.  The
implementors of concrete tzinfo subclasses are supposed to have access to
time zone rules and implement utcoffset(dt), together with dst(dt) and
tzname(dt) methods.

Storing isdst in the datetime object would allow utcoffset(dt) to
distinguish between 1:30AM before clock change and 1:30AM after.  Where do
you propose to store the offset?  If you store it in dt, why would you need
the tzinfo?

> We really don't care whether a time is DST or not;

You may not care about it, but current tzinfo interface and
tzinfo.fromutc(dt) method do.  Whatever new features are added to the
standard library, they cannot break existing uses.  This means that
whatever concrete tzinfo implementations we add to stdlib, they must
provide an implementation of tzinfo.dst(dt) method.

>  So our times would look like "2013-11-03 01:30:00-0500 America/Chicago"
and an hour later, "2013-11-03 01:30:00-0600 America/Chicago". And all of
that information is stored in the datetime object.

I don't think this is what most people would expect

$ TZ=America/Chicago date
Wed Apr  8 18:26:01 CDT 2015


$ TZ=America/Chicago date +"%c %z"
Wed 08 Apr 2015 06:27:09 PM CDT -0500

and not have location as a part of their timestamps.

Regardless, whatever the proposal to add timezones to stdlib will end up
being, it must include the ability to implement an equivalent of UNIX date
command shown above.
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