On 22 April 2015 at 11:46, M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
> Unlike with translations, where missing or poor ones don't have
> much effect on the usefulness of the software, a type checker
> would complain loudly and probably show lots of false positives
> (if you read a type bug as "positive"), causing the usual complaints
> by users to the software authors.
> I don't really think that users would instead complain to the type
> checker authors or find the actual source of the problem which are
> the broken stub files.

This is my expectation as well.

Requests receives bug reports for bugs that were introduced by
downstream packagers, or for bugs that are outright in unrelated
projects. I field IRC questions about 'requests bugs' that are
actually bugs in the web application on the other end of the HTTP
connection! I can *guarantee* that if a stub file is bad, I'll get
told, not the author of the stub file.

> OTOH, if the type checkers are written in a way where they can
> detect authoritative stubs compared to non-authoritative ones
> and point users to the possible type stub file problem, this
> could be resolved, I guess.
> The stub files would then need an "authoritative" flag and
> probably also be versioned to get this working.

This would be great: +1.

> As I've explained above, in my experience, people (*) often first go
> to the authors of the software and not do research to find out
> that the tool they were using has a problem (via the non-authoritative
> stub files it's using).
> (*) More experienced users of pylint like tools will probably think
> twice due to the many false positives these tools tend to generate.
> I'm not sure whether people using type checkers would have the same
> approach, though, esp. not if they are coming from the land of
> statically typed languages.

I can back this up, as can a search through Requests' past GitHub
issues. pylint in particular has caused me pain due to at least one
GitHub issue that was nothing more than a dump of pylint output when
run over Requests', where *every single line* was a false positive.

This ends up having negative network effects as well, because the next
time someone opens a GitHub issue with the word 'pylint' in it I'm
simply going to close it, rather than waste another 45 minutes
visually confirming that every line is a false positive. I worry that
stub files will have the same problems.
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