On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Wolfgang Langner
<tds333+py...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> most of the time I am a silent reader but in this discussion I must step in.
> I use twisted and async stuff a lot over years followed development of
> asyncio closely.
> First it is good to do differentiate async coroutines from generators. So
> everyone can see it and have this in mind
> and don't mix up booth. It is also easier to explain for new users.
> Sometimes generators blows their mind and it takes
> a while to get used to them. Async stuff is even harder.
> 1. I am fine with using something special instead of "yield" or "yield from"
> for this. C# "await" is ok.
> Everything else suggested complicates the language and makes it harder to
> read.
> 2.
> async def f(): is harder to read and something special also it breaks the
> symmetry in front (def indent).
> Also every existing tooling must be changed to support it. Same for def
> async, def f() async:
> I thing a decorator is enough here
> @coroutine
> def f():
> is the best solution to mark something as a coroutine.
Sorry, `@coroutine` decorator is part of Python semantics, not Python
syntax. That means Python compiler cannot relay on @coroutine in
`away`, `async for` and `async with` are available only inside `async
def`, not inside regular `def`.
> 3.
> async with and async for
> Bead idea, we clutter the language even more and it is one more thing every
> newbie could do wrong.
> for x in y:
>   result = await f()
> is enough, every 'async' framework lived without it over years.

async for i in iterable:

is not equal for

for fut in iterable:
    i = yield from fut

async for is also suitable when size of iterable sequence is unknown
on iteration start.

Let's look, for example, on Redis SCAN command
(http://redis.io/commands/scan) for iterating over redis keys.
It returns bulk of keys and opaque value for next SCAN call.

In current Python it must be written as

cur = 0
while True:
    bulk, cur = yield from redis.scan(cur)
    for key in bulk:
    if cur == 0:

With new syntax iteration looks much more native:

async for key in redis.scan(cur):

> Same for with statement.
> The main use case suggested was for database stuff and this is also where
> most are best with
> defer something to a thread and keep it none async.
`async with` is not only for transactions in relation databases.
As well as plain `with` is used not only for databases but for many
other things -- from files to decimal contexts.

As realistic example not related to databases please recall RabbitMQ.
Every message processing may be acknowledged. The native API for that
may be

while True:
    async with channel.consume("my queue") as msg:

with acknowledgement on successful message processing only.
Acknowledgement requires network communication and must be
asynchronous operation.

> All together it is very late in the development cycle for 3.5 to incorporate
> such a big change.
> Best is to give all this some more time and defer it to 3.6 and some alpha
> releases to experiment with.
> Regards,
> Wolfgang
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 7:26 PM, Yury Selivanov <yselivanov...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi python-dev,
>> I'm moving the discussion from python-ideas to here.
>> The updated version of the PEP should be available shortly
>> at https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0492
>> and is also pasted in this email.
>> Updates:
>> 1. CO_ASYNC flag was renamed to CO_COROUTINE;
>> 2. sys.set_async_wrapper() was renamed to
>>    sys.set_coroutine_wrapper();
>> 3. New function: sys.get_coroutine_wrapper();
>> 4. types.async_def() renamed to types.coroutine();
>> 5. New section highlighting differences from
>>    PEP 3152.
>> 6. New AST node - AsyncFunctionDef; the proposal
>>    now is 100% backwards compatible;
>> 7. A new section clarifying that coroutine-generators
>>    are not part of the current proposal;
>> 8. Various small edits/typos fixes.
>> There's is a bug tracker issue to track code review
>> of the reference implementation (Victor Stinner is
>> doing the review): http://bugs.python.org/issue24017
>> While the PEP isn't accepted, we want to make sure
>> that the reference implementation is ready when such
>> a decision will be made.
>> Let's discuss some open questions:
>> 1. Victor raised a question if we should locate
>>    coroutine() function from 'types' module to
>>    'functools'.
>>    My opinion is that 'types' module is a better
>>    place for 'corotine()', since it adjusts the
>>    type of the passed generator.  'functools' is
>>    about 'partials', 'lru_cache' and 'wraps' kind
>>    of things.
>> 2. I propose to disallow using of 'for..in' loops,
>>    and builtins like 'list()', 'iter()', 'next()',
>>    'tuple()' etc on coroutines.
>>    It's possible by modifying PyObject_GetIter to
>>    raise an exception if it receives a coroutine-object.
>>    'yield from' can also be modified to only accept
>>    coroutine objects if it is called from a generator
>>    with CO_COROUTINE flag.
>>    This will further separate coroutines from
>>    generators, making it harder to screw something
>>    up by an accident.
>>    I have a branch of reference implementation
>>    https://github.com/1st1/cpython/tree/await_noiter
>>    where this is implemented.  I did not observe
>>    any performance drop.
>>    There is just one possible backwards compatibility
>>    issue here: there will be an exception if  some user
>>    of asyncio actually used to iterate over generators
>>    decorated with @coroutine.  But I can't imagine
>>    why would someone do that, and even if they did --
>>    it's probably a bug or wrong usage of asyncio.
>> That's it!  I'd be happy to hear some feedback!
>> Thanks,
>> Yury
>> PEP: 492
>> Title: Coroutines with async and await syntax
>> Version: $Revision$
>> Last-Modified: $Date$
>> Author: Yury Selivanov <yseliva...@sprymix.com>
>> Status: Draft
>> Type: Standards Track
>> Content-Type: text/x-rst
>> Created: 09-Apr-2015
>> Python-Version: 3.5
>> Post-History: 17-Apr-2015, 21-Apr-2015
>> Abstract
>> ========
>> This PEP introduces new syntax for coroutines, asynchronous ``with``
>> statements and ``for`` loops.  The main motivation behind this proposal
>> is to streamline writing and maintaining asynchronous code, as well as
>> to simplify previously hard to implement code patterns.
>> Rationale and Goals
>> ===================
>> Current Python supports implementing coroutines via generators (PEP
>> 342), further enhanced by the ``yield from`` syntax introduced in PEP
>> 380. This approach has a number of shortcomings:
>> * it is easy to confuse coroutines with regular generators, since they
>>   share the same syntax; async libraries often attempt to alleviate
>>   this by using decorators (e.g. ``@asyncio.coroutine`` [1]_);
>> * it is not possible to natively define a coroutine which has no
>>   ``yield`` or  ``yield from`` statements, again requiring the use of
>>   decorators to fix potential refactoring issues;
>> * support for asynchronous calls is limited to expressions where
>>   ``yield`` is allowed syntactically, limiting the usefulness of
>>   syntactic features, such as ``with`` and ``for`` statements.
>> This proposal makes coroutines a native Python language feature, and
>> clearly separates them from generators.  This removes
>> generator/coroutine ambiguity, and makes it possible to reliably define
>> coroutines without reliance on a specific library.  This also enables
>> linters and IDEs to improve static code analysis and refactoring.
>> Native coroutines and the associated new syntax features make it
>> possible to define context manager and iteration protocols in
>> asynchronous terms. As shown later in this proposal, the new ``async
>> with`` statement lets Python programs perform asynchronous calls when
>> entering and exiting a runtime context, and the new ``async for``
>> statement makes it possible to perform asynchronous calls in iterators.
>> Specification
>> =============
>> This proposal introduces new syntax and semantics to enhance coroutine
>> support in Python, it does not change the internal implementation of
>> coroutines, which are still based on generators.
>> It is strongly suggested that the reader understands how coroutines are
>> implemented in Python (PEP 342 and PEP 380).  It is also recommended to
>> read PEP 3156 (asyncio framework) and PEP 3152 (Cofunctions).
>> From this point in this document we use the word *coroutine* to refer
>> to functions declared using the new syntax.  *generator-based
>> coroutine* is used where necessary to refer to coroutines that are
>> based on generator syntax.
>> New Coroutine Declaration Syntax
>> --------------------------------
>> The following new syntax is used to declare a coroutine::
>>     async def read_data(db):
>>         pass
>> Key properties of coroutines:
>> * ``async def`` functions are always coroutines, even if they do not
>>   contain ``await`` expressions.
>> * It is a ``SyntaxError`` to have ``yield`` or ``yield from``
>>   expressions in an ``async`` function.
>> * Internally, a new code object flag - ``CO_COROUTINE`` - is introduced
>>   to enable runtime detection of coroutines (and migrating existing
>>   code). All coroutines have both ``CO_COROUTINE`` and ``CO_GENERATOR``
>>   flags set.
>> * Regular generators, when called, return a *generator object*;
>>   similarly, coroutines return a *coroutine object*.
>> * ``StopIteration`` exceptions are not propagated out of coroutines,
>>   and are replaced with a ``RuntimeError``.  For regular generators
>>   such behavior requires a future import (see PEP 479).
>> types.coroutine()
>> -----------------
>> A new function ``coroutine(gen)`` is added to the ``types`` module.  It
>> applies ``CO_COROUTINE`` flag to the passed generator-function's code
>> object, making it to return a *coroutine object* when called.
>> This feature enables an easy upgrade path for existing libraries.
>> Await Expression
>> ----------------
>> The following new ``await`` expression is used to obtain a result of
>> coroutine execution::
>>     async def read_data(db):
>>         data = await db.fetch('SELECT ...')
>>         ...
>> ``await``, similarly to ``yield from``, suspends execution of
>> ``read_data`` coroutine until ``db.fetch`` *awaitable* completes and
>> returns the result data.
>> It uses the ``yield from`` implementation with an extra step of
>> validating its argument.  ``await`` only accepts an *awaitable*, which
>> can be one of:
>> * A *coroutine object* returned from a *coroutine* or a generator
>>   decorated with ``types.coroutine()``.
>> * An object with an ``__await__`` method returning an iterator.
>>   Any ``yield from`` chain of calls ends with a ``yield``.  This is a
>>   fundamental mechanism of how *Futures* are implemented.  Since,
>>   internally, coroutines are a special kind of generators, every
>>   ``await`` is suspended by a ``yield`` somewhere down the chain of
>>   ``await`` calls (please refer to PEP 3156 for a detailed
>>   explanation.)
>>   To enable this behavior for coroutines, a new magic method called
>>   ``__await__`` is added.  In asyncio, for instance, to enable Future
>>   objects in ``await`` statements, the only change is to add
>>   ``__await__ = __iter__`` line to ``asyncio.Future`` class.
>>   Objects with ``__await__`` method are called *Future-like* objects in
>>   the rest of this PEP.
>>   Also, please note that ``__aiter__`` method (see its definition
>>   below) cannot be used for this purpose.  It is a different protocol,
>>   and would be like using ``__iter__`` instead of ``__call__`` for
>>   regular callables.
>> It is a ``SyntaxError`` to use ``await`` outside of a coroutine.
>> Asynchronous Context Managers and "async with"
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> An *asynchronous context manager* is a context manager that is able to
>> suspend execution in its *enter* and *exit* methods.
>> To make this possible, a new protocol for asynchronous context managers
>> is proposed.  Two new magic methods are added: ``__aenter__`` and
>> ``__aexit__``. Both must return an *awaitable*.
>> An example of an asynchronous context manager::
>>     class AsyncContextManager:
>>         async def __aenter__(self):
>>             await log('entering context')
>>         async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
>>             await log('exiting context')
>> New Syntax
>> ''''''''''
>> A new statement for asynchronous context managers is proposed::
>>     async with EXPR as VAR:
>>         BLOCK
>> which is semantically equivalent to::
>>     mgr = (EXPR)
>>     aexit = type(mgr).__aexit__
>>     aenter = type(mgr).__aenter__(mgr)
>>     exc = True
>>     try:
>>         try:
>>             VAR = await aenter
>>             BLOCK
>>         except:
>>             exc = False
>>             exit_res = await aexit(mgr, *sys.exc_info())
>>             if not exit_res:
>>                 raise
>>     finally:
>>         if exc:
>>             await aexit(mgr, None, None, None)
>> As with regular ``with`` statements, it is possible to specify multiple
>> context managers in a single ``async with`` statement.
>> It is an error to pass a regular context manager without ``__aenter__``
>> and ``__aexit__`` methods to ``async with``.  It is a ``SyntaxError``
>> to use ``async with`` outside of a coroutine.
>> Example
>> '''''''
>> With asynchronous context managers it is easy to implement proper
>> database transaction managers for coroutines::
>>     async def commit(session, data):
>>         ...
>>         async with session.transaction():
>>             ...
>>             await session.update(data)
>>             ...
>> Code that needs locking also looks lighter::
>>     async with lock:
>>         ...
>> instead of::
>>     with (yield from lock):
>>         ...
>> Asynchronous Iterators and "async for"
>> --------------------------------------
>> An *asynchronous iterable* is able to call asynchronous code in its
>> *iter* implementation, and *asynchronous iterator* can call
>> asynchronous code in its *next* method.  To support asynchronous
>> iteration:
>> 1. An object must implement an  ``__aiter__`` method returning an
>>    *awaitable* resulting in an *asynchronous iterator object*.
>> 2. An *asynchronous iterator object* must implement an ``__anext__``
>>    method returning an *awaitable*.
>> 3. To stop iteration ``__anext__`` must raise a ``StopAsyncIteration``
>>    exception.
>> An example of asynchronous iterable::
>>     class AsyncIterable:
>>         async def __aiter__(self):
>>             return self
>>         async def __anext__(self):
>>             data = await self.fetch_data()
>>             if data:
>>                 return data
>>             else:
>>                 raise StopAsyncIteration
>>         async def fetch_data(self):
>>             ...
>> New Syntax
>> ''''''''''
>> A new statement for iterating through asynchronous iterators is
>> proposed::
>>     async for TARGET in ITER:
>>         BLOCK
>>     else:
>>         BLOCK2
>> which is semantically equivalent to::
>>     iter = (ITER)
>>     iter = await type(iter).__aiter__(iter)
>>     running = True
>>     while running:
>>         try:
>>             TARGET = await type(iter).__anext__(iter)
>>         except StopAsyncIteration:
>>             running = False
>>         else:
>>             BLOCK
>>     else:
>>         BLOCK2
>> It is an error to pass a regular iterable without ``__aiter__`` method
>> to ``async for``.  It is a ``SyntaxError`` to use ``async for`` outside
>> of a coroutine.
>> As for with regular ``for`` statement, ``async for`` has an optional
>> ``else`` clause.
>> Example 1
>> '''''''''
>> With asynchronous iteration protocol it is possible to asynchronously
>> buffer data during iteration::
>>     async for data in cursor:
>>         ...
>> Where ``cursor`` is an asynchronous iterator that prefetches ``N`` rows
>> of data from a database after every ``N`` iterations.
>> The following code illustrates new asynchronous iteration protocol::
>>     class Cursor:
>>         def __init__(self):
>>             self.buffer = collections.deque()
>>         def _prefetch(self):
>>             ...
>>         async def __aiter__(self):
>>             return self
>>         async def __anext__(self):
>>             if not self.buffer:
>>                 self.buffer = await self._prefetch()
>>                 if not self.buffer:
>>                     raise StopAsyncIteration
>>             return self.buffer.popleft()
>> then the ``Cursor`` class can be used as follows::
>>     async for row in Cursor():
>>         print(row)
>> which would be equivalent to the following code::
>>     i = await Cursor().__aiter__()
>>     while True:
>>         try:
>>             row = await i.__anext__()
>>         except StopAsyncIteration:
>>             break
>>         else:
>>             print(row)
>> Example 2
>> '''''''''
>> The following is a utility class that transforms a regular iterable to
>> an asynchronous one.  While this is not a very useful thing to do, the
>> code illustrates the relationship between regular and asynchronous
>> iterators.
>> ::
>>     class AsyncIteratorWrapper:
>>         def __init__(self, obj):
>>             self._it = iter(obj)
>>         async def __aiter__(self):
>>             return self
>>         async def __anext__(self):
>>             try:
>>                 value = next(self._it)
>>             except StopIteration:
>>                 raise StopAsyncIteration
>>             return value
>>     async for item in AsyncIteratorWrapper("abc"):
>>         print(item)
>> Why StopAsyncIteration?
>> '''''''''''''''''''''''
>> Coroutines are still based on generators internally.  So, before PEP
>> 479, there was no fundamental difference between
>> ::
>>     def g1():
>>         yield from fut
>>         return 'spam'
>> and
>> ::
>>     def g2():
>>         yield from fut
>>         raise StopIteration('spam')
>> And since PEP 479 is accepted and enabled by default for coroutines,
>> the following example will have its ``StopIteration`` wrapped into a
>> ``RuntimeError``
>> ::
>>     async def a1():
>>         await fut
>>         raise StopIteration('spam')
>> The only way to tell the outside code that the iteration has ended is
>> to raise something other than ``StopIteration``.  Therefore, a new
>> built-in exception class ``StopAsyncIteration`` was added.
>> Moreover, with semantics from PEP 479, all ``StopIteration`` exceptions
>> raised in coroutines are wrapped in ``RuntimeError``.
>> Debugging Features
>> ------------------
>> One of the most frequent mistakes that people make when using
>> generators as coroutines is forgetting to use ``yield from``::
>>     @asyncio.coroutine
>>     def useful():
>>         asyncio.sleep(1) # this will do noting without 'yield from'
>> For debugging this kind of mistakes there is a special debug mode in
>> asyncio, in which ``@coroutine`` decorator wraps all functions with a
>> special object with a destructor logging a warning.  Whenever a wrapped
>> generator gets garbage collected, a detailed logging message is
>> generated with information about where exactly the decorator function
>> was defined, stack trace of where it was collected, etc.  Wrapper
>> object also provides a convenient ``__repr__`` function with detailed
>> information about the generator.
>> The only problem is how to enable these debug capabilities.  Since
>> debug facilities should be a no-op in production mode, ``@coroutine``
>> decorator makes the decision of whether to wrap or not to wrap based on
>> an OS environment variable ``PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG``.  This way it is
>> possible to run asyncio programs with asyncio's own functions
>> instrumented.  ``EventLoop.set_debug``, a different debug facility, has
>> no impact on ``@coroutine`` decorator's behavior.
>> With this proposal, coroutines is a native, distinct from generators,
>> concept. New methods ``set_coroutine_wrapper`` and
>> ``get_coroutine_wrapper`` are added to the ``sys`` module, with which
>> frameworks can provide advanced debugging facilities.
>> It is also important to make coroutines as fast and efficient as
>> possible, therefore there are no debug features enabled by default.
>> Example::
>>     async def debug_me():
>>         await asyncio.sleep(1)
>>     def async_debug_wrap(generator):
>>         return asyncio.AsyncDebugWrapper(generator)
>>     sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(async_debug_wrap)
>>     debug_me()  # <- this line will likely GC the coroutine object and
>>                 # trigger AsyncDebugWrapper's code.
>>     assert isinstance(debug_me(), AsyncDebugWrapper)
>>     sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(None) # <- this unsets any
>>                                     #    previously set wrapper
>>     assert not isinstance(debug_me(), AsyncDebugWrapper)
>> If ``sys.set_coroutine_wrapper()`` is called twice, the new wrapper
>> replaces the previous wrapper. ``sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(None)``
>> unsets the wrapper.
>> Glossary
>> ========
>> :Coroutine:
>>     A coroutine function, or just "coroutine", is declared with ``async
>>     def``. It uses ``await`` and ``return value``; see `New Coroutine
>>     Declaration Syntax`_ for details.
>> :Coroutine object:
>>     Returned from a coroutine function. See `Await Expression`_ for
>>     details.
>> :Future-like object:
>>     An object with an ``__await__`` method.  Can be consumed by an
>>     ``await`` expression in a coroutine. A coroutine waiting for a
>>     Future-like object is suspended until the Future-like object's
>>     ``__await__`` completes, and returns the result.  See `Await
>>     Expression`_ for details.
>> :Awaitable:
>>     A *Future-like* object or a *coroutine object*.  See `Await
>>     Expression`_ for details.
>> :Generator-based coroutine:
>>     Coroutines based in generator syntax.  Most common example is
>>     ``@asyncio.coroutine``.
>> :Asynchronous context manager:
>>    An asynchronous context manager has ``__aenter__`` and ``__aexit__``
>>    methods and can be used with ``async with``.  See `Asynchronous
>>    Context Managers and "async with"`_ for details.
>> :Asynchronous iterable:
>>     An object with an ``__aiter__`` method, which must return an
>>     *asynchronous iterator* object.  Can be used with ``async for``.
>>     See `Asynchronous Iterators and "async for"`_ for details.
>> :Asynchronous iterator:
>>     An asynchronous iterator has an ``__anext__`` method.  See
>>     `Asynchronous Iterators and "async for"`_ for details.
>> List of functions and methods
>> =============================
>> ================= =================================== =================
>> Method            Can contain                         Can't contain
>> ================= =================================== =================
>> async def func    await, return value                 yield, yield from
>> async def __a*__  await, return value                 yield, yield from
>> def __a*__        return awaitable                    await
>> def __await__     yield, yield from, return iterable  await
>> generator         yield, yield from, return value     await
>> ================= =================================== =================
>> Where:
>> * "async def func": coroutine;
>> * "async def __a*__": ``__aiter__``, ``__anext__``, ``__aenter__``,
>>   ``__aexit__`` defined with the ``async`` keyword;
>> * "def __a*__": ``__aiter__``, ``__anext__``, ``__aenter__``,
>>   ``__aexit__`` defined without the ``async`` keyword, must return an
>>   *awaitable*;
>> * "def __await__": ``__await__`` method to implement *Future-like*
>>   objects;
>> * generator: a "regular" generator, function defined with ``def`` and
>>   which contains a least one ``yield`` or ``yield from`` expression.
>> Transition Plan
>> ===============
>> To avoid backwards compatibility issues with ``async`` and ``await``
>> keywords, it was decided to modify ``tokenizer.c`` in such a way, that
>> it:
>> * recognizes ``async def`` name tokens combination (start of a
>>   coroutine);
>> * keeps track of regular functions and coroutines;
>> * replaces ``'async'`` token with ``ASYNC`` and ``'await'`` token with
>>   ``AWAIT`` when in the process of yielding tokens for coroutines.
>> This approach allows for seamless combination of new syntax features
>> (all of them available only in ``async`` functions) with any existing
>> code.
>> An example of having "async def" and "async" attribute in one piece of
>> code::
>>     class Spam:
>>         async = 42
>>     async def ham():
>>         print(getattr(Spam, 'async'))
>>     # The coroutine can be executed and will print '42'
>> Backwards Compatibility
>> -----------------------
>> This proposal preserves 100% backwards compatibility.
>> Grammar Updates
>> ---------------
>> Grammar changes are also fairly minimal::
>>     await_expr: AWAIT test
>>     await_stmt: await_expr
>>     decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef | async_funcdef)
>>     async_funcdef: ASYNC funcdef
>>     async_stmt: ASYNC (funcdef | with_stmt | for_stmt)
>>     compound_stmt: (if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt |
>>                     with_stmt | funcdef | classdef | decorated |
>>                     async_stmt)
>>     atom: ('(' [yield_expr|await_expr|testlist_comp] ')' |
>>           '[' [testlist_comp] ']' |
>>           '{' [dictorsetmaker] '}' |
>>           NAME | NUMBER | STRING+ | '...' | 'None' | 'True' | 'False’)
>>     expr_stmt: testlist_star_expr
>>                     (augassign (yield_expr|await_expr|testlist) |
>>                     ('=' (yield_expr|await_expr|testlist_star_expr))*)
>> Transition Period Shortcomings
>> ------------------------------
>> There is just one.
>> Until ``async`` and ``await`` are not proper keywords, it is not
>> possible (or at least very hard) to fix ``tokenizer.c`` to recognize
>> them on the **same line** with ``def`` keyword::
>>     # async and await will always be parsed as variables
>>     async def outer():                             # 1
>>         def nested(a=(await fut)):
>>             pass
>>     async def foo(): return (await fut)            # 2
>> Since ``await`` and ``async`` in such cases are parsed as ``NAME``
>> tokens, a ``SyntaxError`` will be raised.
>> To workaround these issues, the above examples can be easily rewritten
>> to a more readable form::
>>     async def outer():                             # 1
>>         a_default = await fut
>>         def nested(a=a_default):
>>             pass
>>     async def foo():                               # 2
>>         return (await fut)
>> This limitation will go away as soon as ``async`` and ``await`` ate
>> proper keywords.  Or if it's decided to use a future import for this
>> PEP.
>> Deprecation Plans
>> -----------------
>> ``async`` and ``await`` names will be softly deprecated in CPython 3.5
>> and 3.6. In 3.7 we will transform them to proper keywords.  Making
>> ``async`` and ``await`` proper keywords before 3.7 might make it harder
>> for people to port their code to Python 3.
>> asyncio
>> -------
>> ``asyncio`` module was adapted and tested to work with coroutines and
>> new statements.  Backwards compatibility is 100% preserved.
>> The required changes are mainly:
>> 1. Modify ``@asyncio.coroutine`` decorator to use new
>>    ``types.coroutine()`` function.
>> 2. Add ``__await__ = __iter__`` line to ``asyncio.Future`` class.
>> 3. Add ``ensure_task()`` as an alias for ``async()`` function.
>>    Deprecate ``async()`` function.
>> Design Considerations
>> =====================
>> PEP 3152
>> --------
>> PEP 3152 by Gregory Ewing proposes a different mechanism for coroutines
>> (called "cofunctions").  Some key points:
>> 1. A new keyword ``codef`` to declare a *cofunction*. *Cofunction* is
>>    always a generator, even if there is no ``cocall`` expressions
>>    inside it.  Maps to ``async def`` in this proposal.
>> 2. A new keyword ``cocall`` to call a *cofunction*.  Can only be used
>>    inside a *cofunction*.  Maps to ``await`` in this proposal (with
>>    some differences, see below.)
>> 3. It is not possible to call a *cofunction* without a ``cocall``
>>    keyword.
>> 4. ``cocall`` grammatically requires parentheses after it::
>>     atom: cocall | <existing alternatives for atom>
>>     cocall: 'cocall' atom cotrailer* '(' [arglist] ')'
>>     cotrailer: '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
>> 5. ``cocall f(*args, **kwds)`` is semantically equivalent to
>>    ``yield from f.__cocall__(*args, **kwds)``.
>> Differences from this proposal:
>> 1. There is no equivalent of ``__cocall__`` in this PEP, which is
>>    called and its result is passed to ``yield from`` in the ``cocall``
>>    expression. ``await`` keyword expects an *awaitable* object,
>>    validates the type, and executes ``yield from`` on it. Although,
>>    ``__await__`` method is similar to ``__cocall__``, but is only used
>>    to define *Future-like* objects.
>> 2. ``await`` is defined in almost the same way as ``yield from`` in the
>>    grammar (it is later enforced that ``await`` can only be inside
>>    ``async def``).  It is possible to simply write ``await future``,
>>    whereas ``cocall`` always requires parentheses.
>> 3. To make asyncio work with PEP 3152 it would be required to modify
>>    ``@asyncio.coroutine`` decorator to wrap all functions in an object
>>    with a ``__cocall__`` method.  To call *cofunctions* from existing
>>    generator-based coroutines it would be required to use ``costart``
>>    built-in.  In this proposal ``@asyncio.coroutine`` simply sets
>>    ``CO_COROUTINE`` on the wrapped function's code object and
>>    everything works automatically.
>> 4. Since it is impossible to call a *cofunction* without a ``cocall``
>>    keyword, it automatically prevents the common mistake of forgetting
>>    to use ``yield from`` on generator-based coroutines.  This proposal
>>    addresses this problem with a different approach, see `Debugging
>>    Features`_.
>> 5. A shortcoming of requiring a ``cocall`` keyword to call a coroutine
>>    is that if is decided to implement coroutine-generators --
>>    coroutines with ``yield`` or ``async yield`` expressions -- we
>>    wouldn't need a ``cocall`` keyword to call them.  So we'll end up
>>    having ``__cocall__`` and no ``__call__`` for regular coroutines,
>>    and having ``__call__`` and no ``__cocall__`` for coroutine-
>>    generators.
>> 6. There are no equivalents of ``async for`` and ``async with`` in PEP
>>    3152.
>> Coroutine-generators
>> --------------------
>> With ``async for`` keyword it is desirable to have a concept of a
>> *coroutine-generator* -- a coroutine with ``yield`` and ``yield from``
>> expressions.  To avoid any ambiguity with regular generators, we would
>> likely require to have an ``async`` keyword before ``yield``, and
>> ``async yield from`` would raise a ``StopAsyncIteration`` exception.
>> While it is possible to implement coroutine-generators, we believe that
>> they are out of scope of this proposal.  It is an advanced concept that
>> should be carefully considered and balanced, with a non-trivial changes
>> in the implementation of current generator objects.  This is a matter
>> for a separate PEP.
>> No implicit wrapping in Futures
>> -------------------------------
>> There is a proposal to add similar mechanism to ECMAScript 7 [2]_.  A
>> key difference is that JavaScript "async functions" always return a
>> Promise. While this approach has some advantages, it also implies that
>> a new Promise object is created on each "async function" invocation.
>> We could implement a similar functionality in Python, by wrapping all
>> coroutines in a Future object, but this has the following
>> disadvantages:
>> 1. Performance.  A new Future object would be instantiated on each
>>    coroutine call.  Moreover, this makes implementation of ``await``
>>    expressions slower (disabling optimizations of ``yield from``).
>> 2. A new built-in ``Future`` object would need to be added.
>> 3. Coming up with a generic ``Future`` interface that is usable for any
>>    use case in any framework is a very hard to solve problem.
>> 4. It is not a feature that is used frequently, when most of the code
>>    is coroutines.
>> Why "async" and "await" keywords
>> --------------------------------
>> async/await is not a new concept in programming languages:
>> * C# has it since long time ago [5]_;
>> * proposal to add async/await in ECMAScript 7 [2]_;
>>   see also Traceur project [9]_;
>> * Facebook's Hack/HHVM [6]_;
>> * Google's Dart language [7]_;
>> * Scala [8]_;
>> * proposal to add async/await to C++ [10]_;
>> * and many other less popular languages.
>> This is a huge benefit, as some users already have experience with
>> async/await, and because it makes working with many languages in one
>> project easier (Python with ECMAScript 7 for instance).
>> Why "__aiter__" is a coroutine
>> ------------------------------
>> In principle, ``__aiter__`` could be a regular function.  There are
>> several good reasons to make it a coroutine:
>> * as most of the ``__anext__``, ``__aenter__``, and ``__aexit__``
>>   methods are coroutines, users would often make a mistake defining it
>>   as ``async`` anyways;
>> * there might be a need to run some asynchronous operations in
>>   ``__aiter__``, for instance to prepare DB queries or do some file
>>   operation.
>> Importance of "async" keyword
>> -----------------------------
>> While it is possible to just implement ``await`` expression and treat
>> all functions with at least one ``await`` as coroutines, this approach
>> makes APIs design, code refactoring and its long time support harder.
>> Let's pretend that Python only has ``await`` keyword::
>>     def useful():
>>         ...
>>         await log(...)
>>         ...
>>     def important():
>>         await useful()
>> If ``useful()`` function is refactored and someone removes all
>> ``await`` expressions from it, it would become a regular python
>> function, and all code that depends on it, including ``important()``
>> would be broken.  To mitigate this issue a decorator similar to
>> ``@asyncio.coroutine`` has to be introduced.
>> Why "async def"
>> ---------------
>> For some people bare ``async name(): pass`` syntax might look more
>> appealing than ``async def name(): pass``.  It is certainly easier to
>> type.  But on the other hand, it breaks the symmetry between ``async
>> def``, ``async with`` and ``async for``, where ``async`` is a modifier,
>> stating that the statement is asynchronous.  It is also more consistent
>> with the existing grammar.
>> Why not a __future__ import
>> ---------------------------
>> ``__future__`` imports are inconvenient and easy to forget to add.
>> Also, they are enabled for the whole source file.  Consider that there
>> is a big project with a popular module named "async.py".  With future
>> imports it is required to either import it using ``__import__()`` or
>> ``importlib.import_module()`` calls, or to rename the module.  The
>> proposed approach makes it possible to continue using old code and
>> modules without a hassle, while coming up with a migration plan for
>> future python versions.
>> Why magic methods start with "a"
>> --------------------------------
>> New asynchronous magic methods ``__aiter__``, ``__anext__``,
>> ``__aenter__``, and ``__aexit__`` all start with the same prefix "a".
>> An alternative proposal is to use "async" prefix, so that ``__aiter__``
>> becomes ``__async_iter__``. However, to align new magic methods with
>> the existing ones, such as ``__radd__`` and ``__iadd__`` it was decided
>> to use a shorter version.
>> Why not reuse existing magic names
>> ----------------------------------
>> An alternative idea about new asynchronous iterators and context
>> managers was to reuse existing magic methods, by adding an ``async``
>> keyword to their declarations::
>>     class CM:
>>         async def __enter__(self): # instead of __aenter__
>>             ...
>> This approach has the following downsides:
>> * it would not be possible to create an object that works in both
>>   ``with`` and ``async with`` statements;
>> * it would look confusing and would require some implicit magic behind
>>   the scenes in the interpreter;
>> * one of the main points of this proposal is to make coroutines as
>>   simple and foolproof as possible.
>> Comprehensions
>> --------------
>> For the sake of restricting the broadness of this PEP there is no new
>> syntax for asynchronous comprehensions.  This should be considered in a
>> separate PEP, if there is a strong demand for this feature.
>> Async lambdas
>> -------------
>> Lambda coroutines are not part of this proposal.  In this proposal they
>> would look like ``async lambda(parameters): expression``.  Unless there
>> is a strong demand to have them as part of this proposal, it is
>> recommended to consider them later in a separate PEP.
>> Performance
>> ===========
>> Overall Impact
>> --------------
>> This proposal introduces no observable performance impact.  Here is an
>> output of python's official set of benchmarks [4]_:
>> ::
>>     python perf.py -r -b default ../cpython/python.exe
>> ../cpython-aw/python.exe
>>     [skipped]
>>     Report on Darwin ysmac 14.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.3.0:
>>     Mon Mar 23 11:59:05 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.20.48~5/RELEASE_X86_64
>>     x86_64 i386
>>     Total CPU cores: 8
>>     ### etree_iterparse ###
>>     Min: 0.365359 -> 0.349168: 1.05x faster
>>     Avg: 0.396924 -> 0.379735: 1.05x faster
>>     Significant (t=9.71)
>>     Stddev: 0.01225 -> 0.01277: 1.0423x larger
>>     The following not significant results are hidden, use -v to show them:
>>     django_v2, 2to3, etree_generate, etree_parse, etree_process,
>> fastpickle,
>>     fastunpickle, json_dump_v2, json_load, nbody, regex_v8, tornado_http.
>> Tokenizer modifications
>> -----------------------
>> There is no observable slowdown of parsing python files with the
>> modified tokenizer: parsing of one 12Mb file
>> (``Lib/test/test_binop.py`` repeated 1000 times) takes the same amount
>> of time.
>> async/await
>> -----------
>> The following micro-benchmark was used to determine performance
>> difference between "async" functions and generators::
>>     import sys
>>     import time
>>     def binary(n):
>>         if n <= 0:
>>             return 1
>>         l = yield from binary(n - 1)
>>         r = yield from binary(n - 1)
>>         return l + 1 + r
>>     async def abinary(n):
>>         if n <= 0:
>>             return 1
>>         l = await abinary(n - 1)
>>         r = await abinary(n - 1)
>>         return l + 1 + r
>>     def timeit(gen, depth, repeat):
>>         t0 = time.time()
>>         for _ in range(repeat):
>>             list(gen(depth))
>>         t1 = time.time()
>>         print('{}({}) * {}: total {:.3f}s'.format(
>>             gen.__name__, depth, repeat, t1-t0))
>> The result is that there is no observable performance difference.
>> Minimum timing of 3 runs
>> ::
>>     abinary(19) * 30: total 12.985s
>>     binary(19) * 30: total 12.953s
>> Note that depth of 19 means 1,048,575 calls.
>> Reference Implementation
>> ========================
>> The reference implementation can be found here: [3]_.
>> List of high-level changes and new protocols
>> --------------------------------------------
>> 1. New syntax for defining coroutines: ``async def`` and new ``await``
>>    keyword.
>> 2. New ``__await__`` method for Future-like objects.
>> 3. New syntax for asynchronous context managers: ``async with``. And
>>    associated protocol with ``__aenter__`` and ``__aexit__`` methods.
>> 4. New syntax for asynchronous iteration: ``async for``.  And
>>    associated protocol with ``__aiter__``, ``__aexit__`` and new built-
>>    in exception ``StopAsyncIteration``.
>> 5. New AST nodes: ``AsyncFunctionDef``, ``AsyncFor``, ``AsyncWith``,
>>    ``Await``.
>> 6. New functions: ``sys.set_coroutine_wrapper(callback)``,
>>    ``sys.get_coroutine_wrapper()``, and ``types.coroutine(gen)``.
>> 7. New ``CO_COROUTINE`` bit flag for code objects.
>> While the list of changes and new things is not short, it is important
>> to understand, that most users will not use these features directly.
>> It is intended to be used in frameworks and libraries to provide users
>> with convenient to use and unambiguous APIs with ``async def``,
>> ``await``, ``async for`` and ``async with`` syntax.
>> Working example
>> ---------------
>> All concepts proposed in this PEP are implemented [3]_ and can be
>> tested.
>> ::
>>     import asyncio
>>     async def echo_server():
>>         print('Serving on localhost:8000')
>>         await asyncio.start_server(handle_connection,
>>                                    'localhost', 8000)
>>     async def handle_connection(reader, writer):
>>         print('New connection...')
>>         while True:
>>             data = await reader.read(8192)
>>             if not data:
>>                 break
>>             print('Sending {:.10}... back'.format(repr(data)))
>>             writer.write(data)
>>     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>     loop.run_until_complete(echo_server())
>>     try:
>>         loop.run_forever()
>>     finally:
>>         loop.close()
>> References
>> ==========
>> .. [1]
>> https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-task.html#asyncio.coroutine
>> .. [2] http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:async_functions
>> .. [3] https://github.com/1st1/cpython/tree/await
>> .. [4] https://hg.python.org/benchmarks
>> .. [5] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh191443.aspx
>> .. [6] http://docs.hhvm.com/manual/en/hack.async.php
>> .. [7] https://www.dartlang.org/articles/await-async/
>> .. [8] http://docs.scala-lang.org/sips/pending/async.html
>> .. [9]
>> https://github.com/google/traceur-compiler/wiki/LanguageFeatures#async-functions-experimental
>> .. [10] http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3722.pdf
>> (PDF)
>> Acknowledgments
>> ===============
>> I thank Guido van Rossum, Victor Stinner, Elvis Pranskevichus, Andrew
>> Svetlov, and Łukasz Langa for their initial feedback.
>> Copyright
>> =========
>> This document has been placed in the public domain.
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> bye by Wolfgang
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