On 27/04/15 00:13, Guido van Rossum wrote:
But new syntax is the whole point of the PEP. I want to be able to
*syntactically* tell where the suspension points are in coroutines.
Doesn't "yield from" already do that?

Currently this means looking for yield [from]; PEP 492 just adds looking
for await and async [for|with]. Making await() a function defeats the
purpose because now aliasing can hide its presence, and we're back in
the land of gevent or stackless (where *anything* can potentially
suspend the current task). I don't want to live in that land.
I don't think I was clear enough. I said that "await" *is* a function, not that is should be disguised as one. Reading the code, "GetAwaitableIter" would be a better name for that element of the implementation. It is a straightforward non-blocking function.

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 1:21 PM, Mark Shannon <m...@hotpy.org
<mailto:m...@hotpy.org>> wrote:


    I was looking at PEP 492 and it seems to me that no new syntax is

    Looking at the code, it does four things; all of which, or a
    functional equivalent, could be done with no new syntax.
    1. Make a normal function into a generator or coroutine. This can be
    done with a decorator.
    2. Support a parallel set of special methods starting with 'a' or
    'async'. Why not just use the current set of special methods?
    3. "await". "await" is an operator that takes one argument and
    produces a single result, without altering flow control and can thus
    be replaced by an function.
    4. Asynchronous with statement. The PEP lists the equivalent as
    "with (yield from xxx)" which doesn't seem so bad.

    Please don't add unnecessary new syntax.


    P.S. I'm not objecting to any of the other new features proposed,
    just the new syntax.
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