Hi folks,

This is just a note to highlight the fact that I tweaked the "Opting
out" section in PEP 476 based on various discussions I've had over the
past few months: https://hg.python.org/peps/rev/dfd96ee9d6a8

The notable changes:

* the example monkeypatching code handles AttributeError when looking
up "ssl._create_unverified_context", in order to accommodate older
versions of Python that don't have PEP 476 implemented
* new paragraph making it clearer that while the intended use case for
the monkeypatching trick is as a workaround to handle environments
where you *know* HTTPS certificate verification won't work properly
(including explicit references to sitecustomize.py and Standard
Operating Environments for Python), there's also a secondary use case
in allowing applications to provide a system administrator controlled
setting to globally disable certificate verification (hence the change
to the example code)
* new paragraph making it explicit that even though we've improved
Python's default behaviour, particularly security sensitive
applications should still provide their own context rather than
relying on the defaults


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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