On 2015-05-05 5:09 PM, Jim J. Jewett wrote:
On Tue May 5 21:44:26 CEST 2015,Brett Cannon wrote:
It's not as
complicated as it seems when you realize there is an event loop driving
everything (which people have been leaving out of the conversation since it
doesn't tie into the syntax directly).
Proposed second paragraph of the abstract:
This PEP assumes that the asynchronous tasks are scheduled and
coordinated by an Event Loop similar to that of stdlib module
asyncio.events.AbstractEventLoop. While the PEP is not tied to
any specific Event Loop implementation, it is relevant only to
the kind of coroutine that uses "yield" as a signal to the scheduler,
indicating that the coroutine will be waiting until an event (such
as IO) is completed.
Thank you for this suggestion. I've added it to the PEP:
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