On Sep 04, 2015, at 08:01 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>And I'm ready to accept it.

As I've mentioned to Eric, I think it's a great PEP, so congratulations on
getting one through The Gauntlet.  I know that in my own code, I'm looking
forward to using it in however many years it takes for 3.6 to be the base
compatible version of course. :)

I'm okay with it not being appropriate for i18n (IMHO) but no worries,
string.Template and libraries like mine built on top of it all do the trick
nicely and are quite stable.  No reason for them to go away, and PEP 498 is
orthogonal to that.

Still, I read *a lot* of Python code written by other people.  Most of it is
really good (it's nice that there are so many excellent Python developers out
there :).  I also know that the syntax is going to be abused and I rather
dread having to read, comprehend, and debug it.  But oh well.

In another thread it was suggested that a PEP 8 -type of best practices be
included in new PEPs.  I definitely think that any documentation written for
f-strings should include such best practices.  Maybe PEP 8 should also include
some style suggestions or admonitions for f-strings, but I'll let others
propose language for that.

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