"Gregory P. Smith" <g...@krypto.org> writes:

> There haven't been computers with less than 80 character file or path
> name element length limits in wide use in decades... ;)

Not true, your computer will happily mount severely-limited filesystems.
Indeed, I'd wager it has done so many times this year.

It is *filesystems* that limit the length of filesystem entries, and the
FAT filesystem is still in very widespread use — on devices mounted by
the computers you use today.

Yes, we have much better filesystems today, and your primary desktop
computer will almost certainly use something better than FAT for its
primary storage's filesystem.

That does not mean Python programmers should assume your computer will
never mount a FAT filesystem (think small flash storage), nor that a
program you run will never need to load Python modules from that

You'd like FAT to go away forever? Great, me too. Now we need to
convince all the vendors of every small storage device – USB thumb
drives, network routers, all manner of single-purpose devices – to use
modern filesystems instead.

Then, maybe after another human generation has come and gone, we can
finally expect every filesystem, in every active device that might run
any Python code, to be using something with a reasonably-large limit for
filesystem entries.

Until then, the advice in PEP 8 to keep module names short is reasonable.

 \       “The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in |
  `\    the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind.” |
_o__)                                                —Henry L. Mencken |
Ben Finney

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