
2016-01-25 22:20 GMT+01:00 Ludovic Gasc <gml...@gmail.com>:
> Just thanks for this big contribution.
> And maybe this project could give new ideas to optimize Python, who knows ?

Sorry for my long email. I should try to summarize next time :-) In
short: FAT Python is not fast today, but it will be faster if you give
me a few more months to implement optimizations which will unlock the
real power of AST optimizers ;-)

I have a looooong list of ideas of optimizations:

According to microbenchmarks, the most promising optimizations are
functions inlining (Python function calls are slow :-/) and specialize
the code for the type of arguments.

And I agree to wait until fatoptimizer is proven to be faster than the
regular CPython before taking a decision of my 3 PEPs (509, 510, 511).

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