On 2016-02-01 3:21 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 at 12:16 Yury Selivanov <yselivanov...@gmail.com <mailto:yselivanov...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    On 2016-02-01 3:08 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
    > On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 at 11:51 Yury Selivanov
    <yselivanov...@gmail.com <mailto:yselivanov...@gmail.com>
    > <mailto:yselivanov...@gmail.com
    <mailto:yselivanov...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
    >     Hi Brett,
    >     The first two fields are used to make sure that we have
    objects of the
    >     same type.  If it changes, we deoptimize the opcode
    immediately.  Then
    >     we try the offset.  If it's successful - we have a cache
    hit.  If not,
    >     that's fine, we'll try another few times before deoptimizing the
    >     opcode.
    > So this is a third "next step" that has its own issue?

    It's all in issue http://bugs.python.org/issue26219 right now.

    My current plan is to implement LOAD_METHOD/CALL_METHOD (just opcodes,
    no cache) in 26110.

    Then implement caching for LOAD_METHOD, LOAD_GLOBAL, and LOAD_ATTR in
    26219.  I'm flexible to break down 26219 in three separate issues if
    that helps the review process (but that would take more of my time):

    - implement support for opcode caching (general infrastructure) +
    LOAD_GLOBAL optimization
    - LOAD_METHOD optimization
    - LOAD_ATTR optimization

I personally don't care how you break it down, just trying to keep all the moving pieces in my head. :)

Anyway, it sounds like PEP 509 is blocking part of it, but the LOAD_METHOD stuff can go in as-is. So are you truly blocked only on getting the latest version of that patch up to http://bugs.python.org/issue26110 and getting a code review?
Yep. The initial implementation of LOAD_METHOD doesn't need PEP 509 / opcode caching. I'll have to focus on something else this week, but early next week I can upload a new patch for 26110.

When we have 26110 committed and PEP 509 approved and committed, I can update the opcode cache patch (issue 26219) and we can start reviewing it.

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