On Feb 9, 2016, at 03:44, Phil Thompson <p...@riverbankcomputing.com> wrote:
> There are a number of things I'd like to express but cannot find a way to do 
> so...
> - objects that implement the buffer protocol

That seems like it should be filed as a bug with the typing repo. Presumably 
this is just an empty type that registers bytes, bytearray, and memoryview, and 
third-party classes have to register with it manually?

> - type objects
> - slice objects

Can't you just use the concrete types type and slice tor these two? I don't 
think you need generic or abstract "any metaclass, whether inheriting from type 
or not" or "any class that meets the slice protocol", do you?

> - capsules

That one seems reasonable. But maybe there should just be a types.Capsule Type 
or types.PyCapsule, and then you can just check that the same as any other 
concrete type?

But how often do you need to verify that something is a capsule, without 
knowing that it's the *right* capsule? At runtime, you'd usually use 
PyCapsule_IsValid, not PyCapsule_CheckExacf, right? So should the type checker 
be tracking the name too?

> - sequences of fixed size (ie. specified in the same way as Tuple)

How would you disambiguate between a sequence of one int and a sequence of 0 or 
more ints if they're both spelled "Sequence[int]"? That isn't a problem for 
Tuple, because it's assumed to be heterogeneous, so Tuple[int] can only be a 
1-tuple. (This was actually discussed in some depth. I thought it would be a 
problem, because some types--including tuple itself--are sometimes used as 
homogenous arbitrary-length containers and sometimes as heterogeneous 
fixed-length containers, but Guido and others had some good answers for that, 
even if I can't remember what they were.)

> - distinguishing between instance and class attributes.

Where? Are you building a protocol that checks the data members of a type for 
conformance or something? If so, why is an object that has "spam" and "eggs" as 
instance attributes but "cheese" as a class attribute not usable as an object 
conforming to the protocol with all three attributes? (Also, does @property 
count as a class or instance attribute? What about an arbitrary data 
descriptor? Or a non-data descriptor?)
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