On Feb 10, 2016, at 14:20, Georg Brandl <g.bra...@gmx.net> wrote:

First, general questions: should the PEP mention the Decimal constructor? What 
about int and float (I'd assume int(s) continues to work as always, while 
int(s, 0) gets the new behavior, but if that isn't obviously true, it may be 
worth saying explicitly).

> * Trailing underscores are not allowed, because they look confusing and don't
>  contribute much to readability.

Why is "123_456_" so ugly that we have to catch it, when "1___2_345______6" is 
just fine, or "123e__+456"? More to the point, if we really need an extra rule, 
and more complicated BNF, to outlaw this case, I don't think we want a liberal 
design at all.

Also, notice that Swift, Rust, and D all show examples with trailing 
underscores in their references, and they don't look particularly out of place 
with the other examples.

> There appears to be no reason to restrict the use of underscores otherwise.

What other restrictions are there? I think the only place you've left that's 
not between digits is between the e and the sign. A dead-simple rule like 
Swift's seems better than five separate rules that I have to learn and remember 
that make lexing more complicated and that ultimately amount to the 
conservative rule plus one other place I can put underscores where I'd never 
want to.

> **Group 1: liberal (like this PEP)**
> * D [2]_
> * Perl 5 (although docs say it's more restricted) [3]_
> * Rust [4]_
> * Swift (although textual description says "between digits") [5]_

I don't think any of these are liberal like this PEP.

For example, Swift's actual grammar rule allows underscores anywhere but 
leading in the "digits" part of int literals and all three potential digit 
parts of float literals. That's the whole rule. It's more conservative than 
this PEP in not allowing them outside of digit parts (like between E and +), 
more liberal in allowing them to be trailing, but I'm pretty sure the reason 
behind the design wasn't specifically about how liberal or conservative they 
wanted to be, but about being as simple as possible. Rust's rule seems to be 
equivalent to Swift's, except that they forgot to define exponents anywhere. I 
don't think either of them was trying to be more liberal or more conservative; 
rather, they were both trying to be as simple as possible.

D does go out of its way to be as liberal as possible, e.g., allowing things 
like "0x_1_" that the others wouldn't (they'd treat the "_1_" as a digit part, 
which can't have leading underscores), but it's also more conservative than 
this spec in not allowing underscores between e and the sign.

I think Perl is the only language that allows them anywhere but in the digits 

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