On 12 February 2016 at 00:16, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> I think that there is broad agreement that:
> - the basic idea is sound
> - leading underscores followed by digits are currently legal
>   identifiers and this will not change
> - underscores should not follow the sign - +
> - underscores should not follow the decimal point .
> - underscores should not follow the exponent e|E
> - underscores will not be permitted inside the exponent (even if
>   it is harmless, it's silly to write 1.2e9_9)
> - underscores should not follow the complex suffix j
> and only minor disagreement about:
> - whether or not underscores will be allowed after the base
>   specifier 0x 0o 0b
> - whether or not underscores will be allowed before the decimal
>   point, exponent and complex suffix.
> Can we have a show of hands, in favour or against the above two? And
> then perhaps Guido can rule on this one way or the other and we can get
> back to arguing about more important matters? :-)
> In case it isn't obvious, I prefer to say No to allowing underscores
> after the base specifier, or before the decimal point, exponent and
> complex suffix.

I have no opinion on anything other than that whatever syntax is
implemented as long as it allows single underscores between digits,
such as


Everything else is irrelevant to me, and if I read code that uses
anything else, I'd judge it based on readability and style, and
wouldn't care about arguments that "it's allowed by the grammar".

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