On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 9:42 PM, Gregory P. Smith <g...@krypto.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 9:00 PM Mike Kaplinskiy <mike.kaplins...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> I hope this is the right list for this sort of thing (python-ideas seemed
>> more far-fetched).
>> For some context: there is currently a issue with pex that causes
>> sys.modules lookups to stop working for __main__. In turns this makes
>> unittest.run() & pkg_resources.resource_* fail. The root cause is that pex
>> uses runpy.run_module with alter_sys=False. The fix should be to just pass
>> alter_sys=True, but that changes sys.argv[0] and various existing pex files
>> depend on that being the pex file. You can read more at
>> https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/pull/211 .
>> Conservatively, I'd like to propose adding an argument to disable this
>> behavior. The current behavior breaks a somewhat reasonable invariant that
>> you can restart your program via `os.execv([sys.executable] + sys.argv)`.
> I don't know enough about pex to really dig into what it is trying to do
> so this is tangential to answering your question but:

Sorry about that - a pex file is kind of like a relocatable virtualenv in
one zip file. When it runs, it first executes some pex-specific code to
extract packages (.egg, .whl) and add them to sys.path before running the
actual user code. It's conceptually similar to a fat .jar file in JVM
projects - all you need is `python`/`java` and all the code is in one file.

> sys.executable may be None. ex: If you're an embedded Python interpreter
> there is no Python executable. It cannot be blindly used re-execute the
> current process.
> sys.argv represents the C main() argv array. Your inclination (in the
> linked to bug above) to leave sys.argv[0] alone is a good one.

I was originally going to argue for getting rid of the feature entirely,
but if runpy is to live up to the promise of being exactly the same as
`python -m XXX yyy zzz`, it needs to be there. IMO it's bad form to depend
on sys.argv[0] for anything but presentation purposes - usage messages and
the like. It's hard to justify breaking compatibility for that though -
unfortunately the runpy interface isn't pliable enough to really
reimplement or unimplement this feature, and doing it by hand is...painful.
You can also make an argument that `python runmodule.py module a b` and
`python -m module a b` should be _exactly_ the same output, especially if
`runmodule.py` is implementing something pass-through like profiling,
coverage or tracing. A nicer interface might be some sort of callback to
"do whatever you want before the module is executed", but that might be

> -gps
> Moreover it might be user-friendly to add a `argv=sys.argv[1:]` argument
>> to set & restore the full arguments to the module, where `argv=None`
>> disables argv[0] switching.
>> What do you think?
>> Mike.
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