On 28May2016 08:19, Steve Dower <steve.do...@python.org> wrote:
Did anyone suggest "distinct type alias"?

Regardless of what name, I'm fairly sure people will call it whatever the function to create it is called. So if the function is typings.distinguish_type(...), then distinguished will stick.

Just casting an opinion in support of Greg Ewing's remark: I don't think we should use the word "alias", regardless of what else is used.

In <5748fb66.7090...@canterbury.ac.nz>, Greg said:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 > TypeAlias? Because A is an alias for int?
That suggests it's just another name for the same type, but it's not. It's a distinct type as far as the static type checker is concerned

and I agree entirely.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
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