I am. I was just wondering if there was an in-progress effort I should be
looking at, because I am interested in extensions to it.

P.S.: If anyone is missing the relevance, Raymond Hettinger's compact dicts
are inherently ordered until a delitem happens.[1] That could be "good
enough" for many purposes, including kwargs and class definition. If
CPython implements efficient compact dicts, it would be easier to propose
order-preserving (or initially-order-preserving) dicts in some places in
the standard.

[1] Whether delitem preserves order depends on whether you want to allow
gaps in your compact entry table. PyPy implemented compact dicts and
chose(?) to make dicts ordered.

On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Eric Snow <ericsnowcurren...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 11:54 AM, Franklin? Lee
> <leewangzhong+pyt...@gmail.com <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Eric, have you any work in progress on compact dicts?
> Nope.  I presume you are talking the proposal Raymond made a while back.
> -eric
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