On 2016-08-24 12:35 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 8:17 AM, Yury Selivanov <yselivanov...@gmail.com <mailto:yselivanov...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 2016-08-23 10:38 PM, Rajiv Kumar wrote:

        I was playing with your implementation to gain a better
        understanding of the operation of asend() and friends. Since I
        was explicitly trying to "manually" advance the generators, I
        wasn't using asyncio or other event loop. This meant that the
        first thing I ran into with my toy code was the RuntimeError
        ("cannot iterate async generator without finalizer set").

        As you have argued elsewhere, in practice the finalizer is
        likely to be set by the event loop. Since the authors of event
        loops are likely to know that they should set the finalizer,
        would it perhaps be acceptable to merely issue a warning
        instead of an error if the finalizer is not set? That way
        there isn't an extra hoop to jump through for simple examples.

        In my case, I just called
            sys.set_asyncgen_finalizer(lambda g: 1)
        to get around the error and continue playing :) (I realize
        that's a bad thing to do but it didn't matter for the toy cases)

    Yeah, maybe warning would be sufficient.  I just find it's highly
    unlikely that a lot of people would use async generators without a
    loop/coroutine runner, as it's a very tedious process.

Heh, I had the same reaction as Rajiv. I think the tediousness is actually a good argument that there's no reason to forbid this. I don't even think a warning is needed. People who don't use a coroutine runner are probably just playing around (maybe even in the REPL) and they shouldn't get advice unasked.

Good point.

Would it be possible to print a warning only when an async generator is being finalized and doesn't run straight to the end without suspending or yielding? For regular generators we have a similar exception (although I don't recall whether we actually warn) -- if you call close() and it tries to yield another value it is just GC'ed without giving the frame more control.

Yes, we can implement the exact same semantics for AGs:

- A ResourceWarning will be issued if an AG is GCed and cannot be synchronously closed (that will happen if no finalizer is set and there are 'await' expressions in 'finally').

- A RuntimeError is issued when an AG is yielding (asynchronously) in its 'finally' block.

I think both of those things are already there in the reference implementation. So we can just lift the requirement for asynchronous finalizer being set before you iterate an AG.

For an async generator there are two cases: either it tries to yield another value (the first time this happens you can throw an error back into it) or it tries to await -- in that case you can also throw an error back into it, and if the error comes out unhandled you can print the error (in both cases actually).

It's probably to specify all this behavior using some kind of default finalizer (though you don't have to implement it that way).

Hopefully there will be other discussion as well, otherwise I'll have to accept the PEP once this issue is cleared up. :-)

Curious to hear your thoughts on two different approaches to finalization. At this point, I'm inclined to change the PEP to use the second approach. I think it gives much more power to event loops, and basically means that any kind of APIs to control AG (or to finalize the loop) is possible.

Thank you,
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