On 29 August 2016 at 06:39,  <tritium-l...@sdamon.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Python-Dev [mailto:python-dev-bounces+tritium-
>> list=sdamon....@python.org] On Behalf Of Steve Dower
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 11:44 AM
>> To: Stephen J. Turnbull <turnbull.stephen...@u.tsukuba.ac.jp>
>> Cc: Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com>; Python Dev <python-
>> d...@python.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] File system path encoding on Windows
>> On 23Aug2016 2150, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> > Steve Dower writes:
>> >
>> >  > * Stephen sees "no reason not to change
> locale.getpreferredencoding()"
>> >  > (default encoding for open()) at the same time with the same
> switches,
>> >  > while I'm not quite as confident. Do users generally specify an
> encoding
>> >  > these days? I know I always put utf-8 there.
>> >
>> > I was insufficiently specific.  "No reason not to" depends on separate
>> > switches for file system encoding and preferred encoding.  That makes
>> > things somewhat more complicated for implementation, and significantly
>> > so for users.
>> Yes, it does, but it's about the only possible migration path.
>> I know Nick and Victor like the idea of a -X flag (or a direct -utf8
>> flag),

Command line flags and environment variables aren't mutually exclusive
- sometimes you have easy access to add command line arguments,
sometimes you have easy access to set environment variables, sometimes
you have equally easy access to both.

The idea of a "-X" flag is to have an easy way to try out new default
settings that say "Ignore the nominal default encoding and just assume
UTF-8 everywhere", such that folks can get Python behaving that way,
even if they haven't quite figured out how to configure their
operating system itself to use those defaults (this is particularly
relevant for non-systemd based Linux systems, as other init systems
generally don't have the ability to universally override the default
POSIX locale, but even systemd based systems can still do the wrong
thing if "LANG=C" is explicitly specified instead of "LANG=C.UTF-8",
if the particular distro in use doesn't have the latter locale
available, or if a client's locale settings have been forwarded to a
server SSH session)

>> but I prefer more specific environment variables:
>> - PYTHONWINDOWSLEGACYSTDIO (for the console changes)
>> getfilesystemencoding() is utf8)
>> getpreferredencoding() is
>> utf8)
> Once you get to var lengths like that, arcane single character flags start
> looking preferable.  How about "PYTHONWINLEGACY" to just turn it all on or
> off.  If the code breaks on one thing, it obviously isn't written to use the
> other two, so might as well shut them all off.

+1 for a single global on-off switch that means we (and everyone else)
only have two configurations to test (the old way and the new way),
rather than a combinatorial explosion of 8 or more possible settings.
If we get demand for more configurability, *then* we can increase the
complexity, but we shouldn't inflict that level of QA pain on
ourselves in the absence of vocal user demand.

If the more fine-grained settings are considered useful for debugging
purposes, then they can be added with underscore prefixes and
documented accordingly (i.e. as a way of figuring out precisely which
aspect of the new defaults is causing a problem, rather than as a
permanently supported variant configuration).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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