Le 30 août 2016 03:10, "Nick Coghlan" <ncogh...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> However, this view is also why I don't agree with being aggressive in
> making this behaviour the default on Windows - I think we should make
> it readily available as a provisional feature through a single
> cross-platform command line switch and environment setting (e.g. "-X
> utf8" and "PYTHONASSUMEUTF8") so folks that need it can readily opt in
> to it,

I'm sorry, but I should have start from this point.

Modifyng the default or adding an option are completely different. I like
the idea of adding a -X utf8 option on Windows. If it's an opt-in option,
the developer takes the responsabilty of any possible backward incompatible
change and plays the Unicode dance when handling input/output data with
other applications.

My long email tries to explain why I consider that modifying the default in
3.6 is a strong NO for me.

> but we can defer making it the default until 3.7 after folks
> have had a full release cycle's worth of experience with it in the
> wild.

If Steve changes its project to add an option but don't change the default,
I will help to make it happen before 3.6 and help to implement the UNIX
part. It would even make it stronger if the option is "portable", even if
the exact semantic is differnent between UNIX and Windows.

If the default doesn't change, I don't think that a PEP is required.

Later when we will get enough feedback, we will be able to decide to drop
the option (if it was a very bad idea because of very bad feedback), or
even make it the default on a platform (Windows).

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