On 31.08.2016 12:05, Christian Heimes wrote:
> This was my last reply to your mails on this topic. It's clear to me
> that you are not open to Cory's, Nick's or my arguments and that you
> won't change your position. More replies are just a waste of my limited
> time.

I *am* open to arguments, but so far I have not seen a compelling
one which strikes the right balance.

And if you have read my replies, I'm only suggesting to postpone
the switch to 1.0.2 by one release and even there I said that
it's not all that dramatic if this doesn't happen due to the way
the timelines for 3.6 and 3.7 work.

What I am seriously worried about, is the next step ...

> Instead I'm going to focus on a PEP to define OpenSSL support and to
> auto-deprecate unsupported OpenSSL versions. The PEP is a very high
> chance to get accepted. Everybody except you support the plan.

... which would then mean: Python's compatibility roadmap will
be dictated by OpenSSL.

I won't buy into that, sorry. Crypto is a helper in certain
situations, it's not what Python is all about. We should not
let OpenSSL dictate how and when we deprecate platforms or
OS versions.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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