On Sun, Sep 4, 2016 at 3:43 PM, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> [steve@ando ~]$ cat test.py
> from typing import Optional
> def foo(x:Optional[int])->int:
>     if x is None:
>         return -1
>     return x + 1
> def bar(x:Optional[int])->int:
>     y = x  # the type of y must be inferred
>     if y is None:
>         return y + 1
>     return len(y)
> [steve@ando ~]$ mypy --strict-optional test.py
> test.py: note: In function "bar":
> test.py:11: error: Unsupported operand types for + (None and "int")
> test.py:12: error: Argument 1 to "len" has incompatible type "int"; expected 
> "Sized"
> foo passes the type check; bar fails.

That's great. While mypy has nice features, these examples have little
to do with PEP 526 as they don't have variable annotations, not even
using comments.

For some reason, pip install --upgrade mypy fails for me at the
moment, but at least mypy version 0.4.1 does not allow this:

    from typing import Callable

    def foo(cond: bool, bar : Callable, baz : Callable) -> float:
        if cond:
            x = bar() # type: int
            x = baz() # type: float
        return x / 2

and complains that

test.py:7: error: Name 'x' already defined". Maybe someone can confirm
this with a newer version.


    def foo(cond: bool) -> float:
        if cond:
            x = 1
            x = 1.5
        return x / 2

you get a different error:

test.py:5: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has
type "float", variable has type "int")

Maybe someone can confirm this with a newer version, but IIUC this is
still the case.

>> I want a checker to check my code and, with minimal annotations, give me
>> confidence that my code is correct
> Don't we all.

I would add *with minimal restrictions on how the code is supposed to
be written* for type checking to work. It's not at all obvious that
everyone thinks that way. Hence, the "Semantics for type checking"
thread on python-ideas.

-- Koos

> --
> Steve
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