[please restrict follow-ups to python-ideas]

Let's not get hung up on meta-discussion here - I always thought "massive
clusterf**k" was a precise technical term anyway ;-)

While timing certainly needs to be done more carefully, it's obvious to me
that this approach _should_ pay off significantly when it applies.
Comparisons are extraordinarily expensive in Python, precisely because of
the maze of test-and-branch code it requires just to figure out which
bottom-level comparison function to invoke each time.  That's why I spent
months of my life (overall) devising a sequence of sorting algorithms for
Python that reduced the number of comparisons needed.

Note that when Python's current sort was adopted in Java, they still kept a
quicksort variant for "unboxed" builtin types.  The adaptive merge sort
incurs many overheads that often cost more than they save unless
comparisons are in fact very expensive compared to the cost of pointer
copying (and in Java comparison of unboxed types is cheap).  Indeed, for
native numeric types, where comparison is dirt cheap, quicksort generally
runs faster than mergesort despite that the former does _more_ comparisons
(because mergesort does so much more pointer-copying).

I had considered something "like this" for Python 2, but didn't pursue it
because comparison was defined between virtually any two types (34 < [1],
etc), and people were careless about that (both by design and by
accident).  In Python 3, comparison "blows up" for absurdly mixed types, so
specializing for homogeneously-typed lists is a more promising idea on the
face of it.

The comparisons needed to determine _whether_ a list's objects have a
common type is just len(list)-1 C-level pointer comparisons, and so goes
fast.  So I expect that, when it applies, this would speed even sorting an
already-ordered list with at least 2 elements.

For a mixed-type list with at least 2 elements, it will always be pure
loss.  But (a) I expect such lists are uncommon (and especially uncommon in
Python 3); and (b) a one-time scan doing C-level pointer comparisons until
finding a mismatched type is bound to be a relatively tiny cost compared to
the expense of all the "rich comparisons" that follow.

So +1 from me on pursuing this.

Elliot, please:

- Keep this on python-ideas.  python-dev is for current issues in Python
development, not for speculating about changes.

- Open an issue on the tracker:  https://bugs.python.org/

- At least browse the info for developers:

- Don't overlook Lib/test/sortperf.py.  As is, it should be a good test of
what your approach so far _doesn't_ help, since it sorts only lists of
floats (& I don't think you're special-casing them).  If the timing results
it reports aren't significantly hurt (and I expect they won't be), then add
specialization for floats too and gloat about the speedup :-)

- I expect tuples will also be worth specializing (complex sort keys are
often implemented as tuples).

Nice start! :-)
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