On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:43 AM Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:

> On 10/10/2016 10:38 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> 
> <la...@hastings.org> wrote:
> These hacks where we play games with the
> reference count are mostly removed in my branch.
> That's exactly what I would have said, because I was assuming that
> refcounts would be accurate. I'm not sure what you mean by "play games
> with",
> By "playing games with reference counts", I mean code that purposely
> doesn't follow the rules of reference counting.  Sadly, there are special
> cases that apparently *are* special enough to break the rules.  Which made
> implementing "buffered reference counting" that much harder.
> I currently know of two examples of this in CPython.  In both instances,
> an object has a reference to another object, but *deliberately* does not
> increase the reference count of the object, in order to prevent keeping the
> other object alive.  The implementation relies on the GIL to preserve
> correctness; without a GIL, it was much harder to ensure this code was
> correct.  (And I'm still not 100% I've done it.  More thinking needed.)
> Those two examples are:
>    1. PyWeakReference objects.  The wr_object pointer--the "reference"
>    held by the weak reference object--points to an object, but does not
>    increment the reference count.  Worse yet, as already observed,
>    PyWeakref_GetObject() and PyWeakref_GET_OBJECT() don't increment the
>    reference count, an inconvenient API decision from my perspective.
> That a PyWeakReference object does not increment the reference count is
the entire point of a weakref. The object wouldn't be destroyed and break
the weak reference otherwise. Weak references could be implemented in a
different manner - coordinate with the garbage collector to consider things
who's only references come from weakrefs as collectable. That'd be an
internal overhaul of the weakref implementation and potentially the gc.

>    1.
>    2. "Interned mortal" strings.  When a string is both interned *and*
>    mortal, it's stored in the static "interned" dict in unicodeobject.c--as
>    both key and value--and then its's DECREF'd twice so those two references
>    don't count.  When the string is destroyed, unicode_dealloc resurrects the
>    string, reinstating those two references, then removes it from the
>    "interned" dict, then destroys the string as normal.
yow. i don't even want to know the history of that one...

Resurrecting object also gave me a headache in the Gilectomy with this
> buffered reference counting scheme, but I think I have that figured out
> too.  When you resurrect an object, it's generally because you're going to
> expose it to other subsystems that may incr / decr / otherwise inspect the
> reference count.  Which means that code may buffer reference count
> changes.  Which means you can't immediately destroy the object anymore.
> So: when you resurrect, you set the new reference count, you also set a
> flag saying "I've already been resurrected", you pass it in to that other
> code, you then drop your references with Py_DECREF, and you exit.  Your
> dealloc function will get called again later; you then see you've already
> done that first resurrection, and you destroy as normal.  Curiously enough,
> the typeobject actually needs to do this twice: once for tp_finalize, once
> for tp_del.  (Assuming I didn't completely misunderstand what the code was
> doing.)
> kudos for trying to understand this. resurrection during destruction or
finalization hurts my brain even though in many ways it makes sense.

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