> The proposal is that it should be documented as being part of the
> language spec starting in 3.4 (or whatever).

Is the performance characteristics of any object part of the language spec?

I.e if someone wrote an implementation with an O(n) insert dict, it
would suck, but wouldn't it still be Python?


> So applications that
> support Python 2.7 can't rely on it, sure. But if I have an
> application that requires, say, 3.5+ but I don't want to depend on
> CPython-only implementation details, then I'm still allowed to use it.
> AFAIK basically the only project that would be affected by this is
> PyPy, and I when I asked on #pypy they said:
> <cfbolz> njs`: I think we either plan to or already support this
> so I'm not sure why this is controversial.
> -n
> --
> Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
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