On 01/09/2017 03:42 AM, Steve Holden wrote:

When I asked him why he suggested
 a) this would improve encapsulation, and
 b) the practice was supported in the stdlib.
 Further investigation reveals that some modules (e.g. argparse, crypt,
 difflib, random) do use this technique, but it is far from universal.

So I thought it would be useful to get input from current devs about
 the value of this practice, since to me it seems somewhat anti-pythonic.
 What advantages does it confer?

Aside from what Barry said it also offers the (very) minor advantage of showing 
up as an implementation detail when someone does a dir() of the module.

Personally, I tend to use the technique for new code, but I wouldn't change old 
code for it (and new code in an old module should follow the old module's 
practices, etc.) .

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